20th March Alnight 2

When the Holy Spirit comes, he really saves!
We had a new person in our Alnight yesterday Friday 20th March.
While I stood and prophesied, the Holy Spirit gave me a name, so I said 'i hear Akosua a student, is there somebody hear like that? The Lord said come out and let me pray with you'....
A young girl came out by same name and was a student too. we prayed and a manifestation ensued.
We didn't waste time, after a few minutes Oya! She was set free! Hallelujah go and sit down! Bam!
Then I received word in my spirit,'somebody has an attack and is siting amongst the people, on your left'.
So I said the Holy Ghost is going to bring somebody out! He says you are been attacked!
So the congregation got up and we sung a little and prayed then the Holy Spirit said, that is her.
She was sitting on my left Side!
I said' 'madam pls come out'
We laid hands and prayed. Some spirits can pretend ooo. Hmmm
It was as if nothing was there!
Tweaaaa I prayed more. Now she paused and looked at me and told me some few things about her and I together with the congregation resumed prayers. Oya! Manifestation has started .
Plenty confessions! They don't like the fact that she gives and she will be rich. They make sure she loses her money for business without any reason... Yebi... Yebi... Plenty talk!
Then I ask the spirit where do u come from? It mentioned my mothers hometown! Whaaaaat! Hia!
It said it won't live the lady but after many prayers which didn't last long like the late Derek Prince deliverance that took 8hrs, she was set free.
Getting tired I called prophet steve and Ps Azariah to come and help me. While standing there I saw a cat sped pass me, it was so real I thought everybody saw it too so I asked the audience was there a cat in this room all this while?
But where the cat passed, the gate was locked because of the torrential rain. Then I knew it was the spirit.
I heard within me that she has been delivered. Turning to look at this lady she lay sound asleep on the floor.
They picked her up and I asked her one question. Were you aware of what you were saying? (when she got up she was surprised she was on the floor, her face showed amazement)
She said no. I asked her hometown and she mentioned it exactly as the spirit has said. And she confirmed the rest.
She will go to work and this time she will do exploits!
Indeed Jesus came to set the captives free!
Am tired, I won't sat more testimonies.
Your level has changed!

20TH March Alnight 1

spiritual matters can be really weird!
We had a new person in our Alnight yesterday Friday 20th March.
When it was time for me to minister I realized that a strong prophetic unction was upon me. The voice of the Holy Spirit was so clear in me. I was able to pick most people and mentioned some names among other things. The Holy Spirit was so clear in me that when I mentioned and no one stood I knew it was my audience who weren't getting it.
A young lady was being prayed for to receive the Holy Ghost Baptism. She was acting as if she was receiving it but from where I stood, looking at what was going on, I suspected an evil spirit manifesting in the young girl was under serious torments.
Within a few seconds the Holy Spirit shouted within me 'that is a spirit of witchcraft manifesting, that witch has been bothering the family and creating problems!'
So I drew near and said, 'brother this lady you are praying for is not receiving the Holy Ghost baptism. It is a witchcraft spirit under torment trying to fake the baptism'.
When I laid hands instantly it proved I was right!
All the sleep in my eyes left because that spirit was stubborn didn't want to live and We had to use much energy. However it mumbled few words from the young girl's lips.
We dealt with it!!
I know that she is free and her family is free.
But like I say, 'a witchcraft spirit lives in people and though you cease their work, they can arise and start their nefarious activities again. Always be among people who can see into the spirit and at a place where the prayers are hot!'
"When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none.
Then it says, 'I will return to the person I came from.' So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order.
Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before. That will be the experience of this evil generation."
Matthew 12:43-45
To be delivered by the Lord is a very liberating experience. Deliverance to me is offering a simple prayer or staying before the Lord till you are totally free from all your afflictions.
Majority of people don't manifest during deliverance but it doesn't mean they were not helped.
The Lord decides how he wants it to happen.
People under strong attacks can manifest or even lesser afflictions, yet we have seen lot of people testify who did not bat an eye when they were been prayed for.
We often lead people to make confessions and that one too works, when the people are many or as the spirit leads. People who shun deliverance ministry miss a lot.
In Matthew 12:22 a demon possessed man was blind and mute and when Jesus expelled the unclean spirit the man saw and spoke instantly. That is how fast deliverance is, get the enemy out of the way and the miracles starts flooding your life

Claus Ministry Dairies (Monday 22/9/14 11am-1pm)

The HolySpirit gave me John 4:6 n i read it to verse 10; Jesus and the samaritan woman: I preached from it.
What a service we had!
while preaching i sensed the anointing, there was a shift in the spirit. so i switched to ministration. it was beautiful to behold. the first woman got the holyspirit baptism and fell under the anointing several times. the other woman, a pentecostian received multiple prophecies n started insulting me. i didn't waste time, i dealt with the witchcraft spirit. still another woman manifested and the demon was cast out. now when the people saw the demonic manifestations, they quickly came and joined us under the tree and those praying silently begun praying loudly (they realized it wasnt childsplay). Some neighbours too saw the move and were chearing 'anointing, anointing'.
It happened that the only man among the ladies got an accurate word of knowledge. While on his knees he wept n acted like a woman and this almost drew loud laughter from me had i not turned n looked away; the lord is no respector of persons. Sylvia struggled to restrain the laughter.
one woman was slain n left to sleep in the chair and another pentecostian manifested a demon and was delivered. the word of knowledge and prophecy was in action once more.
Every adult received a prophecy including some of the kids who were anointed but all were anointed with oil. Sylvia was anointed too, what a great place to start something for God. mothers wanted to know the kids destinies and i just had to look at their faces then its there! now this caused a thrill.
we prayed and I left to receive a sumptious ampesi from sylvia. the man and a woman followed me for consultation.
thank you Jesus. Holy Spirit you are gy3, while i was in the taxi you told me you were going to 'move' but i didnt expect such an anointing and prophetic service will happen this much, am humbled.
happened @odumase,pokuase.


today di3 i hv really smelled pepper.
plenty demons in an 18yr old girl gave me wahala.
no bi easy kraa
she wanted to disgrace the prophet himself.
thank God.
she was strong like a bull, she was even biting us, confirming the fact that fight no get formular.
'in the name of Jesus!' then she laughs! my tiny body is aching me mpo. so so ushering n casting. binding n loosing. pour anointing oil and she smiles! challey mopo today di3 i lose appetite for binding n loosing. we closed immediately after spirit left. an usher was shouting ' she is biting me! she is biting me! hahaha
Seer Rees likes deliverance but he wouldnt hv enjoyed this one. the HolyGhost gave me mark 11:23, that is what saved the day. after this one I stopped praying for people and closed!!!


Having learnt my lesson from the last demon i cast out from the young lady, i kick start the Alnight with two balls of kenkey and an hour sleep that left me refreshed for the work ahead.

I Thank God for the Night of Bliss, an awesome Alnight that happened on twenty fourth of October.
The attendance stunned me judging from the fact that it was our first-ever Alnight.

Sylvia and Matilda led a powerful worship. Seer Rees too Led a very powerful intercession. The people were Hungary for prayers and they prayed. Indeed Rees is a gifted intercessor judging from how he led it powerfully.

Then I came in to share the word of God and entered into my favorite session, the anointing, prophetic, and deliverance.
The anointing was present for people fell under the power without been touched; there was an overdose of anointing. What can I say to give an idea of the kind of anointing we were dealing with? A little girl when I laid hands on saw Jesus and angels and stated shouting, she didn't want to look and instantly received the HolyGhost baptism. Laying hands on three youths simultaneously, they went down like poles as the power of God knocked them down! This was a common phenomenon in this meeting.

Seven people received the HolyGhost Baptism and spoke in tongues.
There was quite a number of demonic manifestations and they were cast out; they left us tired! Eve did a wonderful job of usher thereby minimizing the strain and Tierdness one goes in expelling demons and witchcraft spirits. I knew Rees loves casting out but tonight I saw that he was suffering over-casting because he was taking breaks from time to time. I think one of the anointing on me is deliverance and when I minister it forces evil spirits to manifest and believe even a pregnant woman who is demonized as it was at this Alnight had the strength of ten strong men. But we expel them because it is our job.

Indeed it was a night of Bliss! This is a faint pictured I have painted comparing it to what happened.

The next Alnight is 21st Nov.
Come some and receive your miracle, stay Blessed!!


After the alnight at EEPNET I had another service with my people at Odumase at 11am and closed at 2pm. The members showed up one by one until the room was full and as usual some stood outside.

After praying and worshipping for a while, I let Matilda, the national service person, share a brief word, what a timely message! The word of God is health and strenght was her last word.
I stepped in and shared John 14:12 exhorting members to brace themselves for greater works in their lives and to believe the words of Jesus.

Then I sensed a shift in the spirit once again! Not sleeping since yesterday 10pm, the anointing quickened me and put sleep off my eyes. Today be today! I called out the sick and three women came out and I laid hands and bam! They were carried by the anointing. As it followed, people could not stand on their feet as the power of God hit them except one woman who is old and never falls under the power.

I felt the Lord speak to me to prophesy and I saw that the prophetic streams was opened and I prophesied to almost all who came for prayers: of course none of these happened without a heavy ushering.

The lady who drilled me now has the HolyGhost baptism and so I dont have to worry about any lengthy deliverance session, she falls face down today and charges as I prophesy to her.

Under the prophetic anointing, those who have not prophesied before prophesied loudly and another woman described a vision she had of Jesus. I got prophecies confirmed while I interprated dreams also. I had counseling with three members today and prayed with them. Am growing to love them everyday, gradually I see them transformed before my eyes every week.

In summary, todays meeting was very satisfying, wonderful attendance in numbers and awesome presence of the HolySpirit. The Lord surprises everyday!

Am grateful to Jesus!!!!!

Dominon Centre Gh.

 Your level has change!


As I waded through the stream I wondered what the Lord had in store for me, mopo.

I thank God I was obedient that day because even though it was raining, I went to preach
The first news was waiting for me; the pregnant woman I prayed for, a manifesting witch said she would not allow her to deliver. When she went to the hospital and while her womb opened for the baby to come out the doctors saw her cervix close again right before their eyes. They must have been scared because they sent her packing saying they’ve never seen such a phenomenon before. Her husband said he wouldn’t allow his wife to come to our meetings again because we had activated the demons, we made the demons angry he said. For about two weeks he restrained her from coming. Though I prayed for her whenever I prayed, I never tried to visit her, I didn’t want an attack from anybody. Then just last week Saturday, the woman came to our meeting again. I laid hands and pray, ‘in the name of Jesus, you will not be ashamed, I declare you will not be disgraced’. I prophesied and declared while ushers supported this woman with a protruding stomach which must have reached ten months already. She fell but I made them steady her, the power of God hit her and she slumped into a plastic chair, I was on her like a terrier praying. Then I declared that in some few hours she will go to the hospital and deliver. Four days later I reached there and they tell me with smiles on their faces, ‘prophet, the pregnant woman ou prayed for has delivered’. The people there call me prophet ooo mopo, and other places too am called evangelist, two honorable names all for one person, me. I couldn’t contain my joy. Glory

Today’s meeting didn’t have lots of people like the previous ones because it had rained and the outside was chilling, the people didn’t expect to see me. Some of them frowned but I didn’t care. I was obeying the Lord and that was the most important thing. The Lord spoke to me telling me that he was going to work miracles in their lives. As we prayed more people came. I preached about faithfulness, from 1 Samuel 2 verse 35. Most people won’t preach when it rain, even my leaders planned not to hold the meetings but they planned to eat. The message was like a pastor’s pineapple, pinching them and I saw their frowned faces, I didn’t care as long as I was obeying the Lord. But when I closed the service and asked that anybody who wants the anointing should touch those on my palms, all of them pounced on me mopo, hmm ey3 as3m ooo.

Then I felt a very strong anointing to bless cloths. I wanted to tell them to bring handkerchiefs in the Saturday meeting, but still the anointing was there for that moment so, finally I said if you have a handkerchief or cloth bring it out and am going to pray over them. Some used their blouses others their cloth and still some used their shirts. When they lifted it up a bit, the anointing was in action people couldn’t contain the power of the Holy Spirit. As I saw visions of people with wedding rings been put on their fingers, some receiving babies, etc. as I prayed and prophesied.

Then a man I have never seen before came to join the service. Instantly, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart that he drinks and before I could get close to him I smelt alcohol. In short we prayed for him but not after we had let him confessed Jesus as his savior and Lord. The Lord said he was going to deliver him from the demon of drunkenness and I told the people. In no time the power of God hit the drunk for he couldn’t stand the anointing. People were ushering him as I cast the demon out, I won’t bother to mention the number of demons mopo, because know you won’t believe me. He somersaulted and fel and he was speaking ewe, ‘I feel like falling, something is trying to make me fall’. He couldn’t steady himself. While praying for him I looked into his eyes and they were red and were focused straight at me, I stepped a little, demons can be unpredictable and strong and my alarming bells of violence were sounding already.
When the demons were coming out, the ushers couldn’t stand the smell that came out of him. They came out with great smell. I prophesied over him that the people should watch him in the area; he cannot sip an alcohol without vomiting henceforth. I shall keep you updated on this man.
There was all manner of deliverance yesterday evening, a demon manifested as cat and meowed and it was scary to watch.
But l learnt some few lessons which I want to point out here;
People got infected with demons when they read romantic books. These were demons of masturbation, fornication, adultery and etc. The result was that they slept with men anyhow and the demons in demon attracted men to sleep with them.

I saw Holy Ghost filled tongue talkers manifest demons. As a matter of fact while casting a demon out the person tried to speak in tongues then the Holy Spirit warned me, ‘that is false tongues’. The moment I said, you lying spirit that is false tongues’, the demon stopped and started laughing. It wanted to trick me to make me think it was gone. You can’t live anyhow just because you have Holy Ghost baptism. Lord has mercy.
I also saw that demons of fornication helped some of the ladies but destroyed them in other areas. For instance, a sister was using hers to sleep and take money from men, and used the money to educate herself. But I know that it will cause her to have the problem of marriage.
I will cut my story short here. Soon my book on deliverance will be published and I shall show how witches and wizards, fetish or demonic groves and certain demons ruin the life of people.

Some people have unusual libido, and don’t care sleeping with many men. It’s demonic.
Please find somebody who will have time for you and pray with you and it will shock you that you will marry in no time, that financial hardship will be broken and you will be free from poverty, the benefits are endless.
Stay blessed.

Your comment is welcome. At least like this update.

Your level has change


Mopo, I received a prophecy from one of the sisters that this meeting was going to be very powerful and so on this particular day it was. The service started at 10am and continued to 2pm because of the massive deliverance that the Lord brought to his people. After closing from my friend’s alnight I continued straight to DOMINION CENTRE, Pokuase – Odumase where all the miracles happen. Whenever I alight from a vehicle on this land a song plays in my heart.
In this month we are learning about how to identify and stop the works of evil spirits in the life of the believer. And so I preached a sermon using John 10; 10 stressing on the three fold activity of the devil on people, stealing, killing and destroying. God’s word made us to understand that whether you pretend that the devil is there or not he has this mission towards you.
Among the many things that happened I can elaborate on a few deliverance.

The first deliverance was this woman who had challenges in her marriage. It happened that it is ‘a family thing’ that when the women marry they return to their parents again and don’t return to their marital homes. This woman was facing challenges too. When the anointing hit her the evil spirit confessed how they were planning to ruin her marriage all this time. It was a tough time as we cast that demon out to save the family. Some curses too had to be broken because it was in her family line.
I know that after this deliverance, the marriage will begin to take a positive change because the destroyer has been driven out with its curses and plans. Glory to God.

After been in deliverance for a while I have learned this lesson that almost in every family in Ghana there is a trend of the evil one, some families cannot marry at all and the best they can do is to give birth outside marriage, other families cannot attain higher education status, some too face extreme poverty and some also are victims of polygamy. If you have some of these trends in your family come for prayers and God will set you free. Dominion Centre is not far from you, we are waiting for you.

When the Spirit of God asked me to call out and pray for the young girl I was wondering what could be the issue with her. I like to focus and pray for the adults, they have more serious issues. The prophecy that came out was that she had a great destiny and she would travel and live in the united states for some time but there was also a planned teenage pregnancy waiting to abort this destiny. When hands were laid on her she manifested a stubborn spirit but at the end of the day she was delivered.
I counsel people who come to meetings that the fact that you are delivered doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come again. You have to come to services frequently to stay under the watchful eye of the prophet and also pray a lot to enforce the prophecies in to happen.

While in the meeting the spirit of God ministered to me that somebody was drunk but the person has a great future and he will make her a direct opposite of what he is now, great life. A prophetess among us prophesied that he will preach the word of God; this was a very grown man.
When we called the man for prayers he resisted but we forced him out, I knew it was an evil spirit that was making him do so. When he was prayed for and the evil spirit left, he broke down in tears before his wife and the congregation. It was very touching as his wife cleaned his tears while we watched.

More revelation concerning this man will come up as we meet. I know that the Lord will reveal the source and everything about him. There wasn’t much time, it was getting too late and time was far spent so we closed. Nevertheless there are other manifestations that happened that I have not touched on here.
On this day we had a new person visit as to see the great work that the Lord is doing. He was happy you have to come too and you will be blessed, I am hoping to see you soon.

More updates will come to you from our meetings.

Your level will change!

Stay blessed


While I prayed one night during a night vigil that we had. I saw a black and white cat asleep, it was so real that I turned to look again but it was gone. As an experienced person I knew I had seen a vision. Then while I prayed the vision unfolded and I saw that the cat urinated and defecated in the room. And I saw that it sometimes slept on the bed bedside the owner of the room. I saw further in the spirit that several cats were in the kitchen and some also stood outside the door. I didn’t have any interpretation yet.
I am a science person so I don’t believe in things that can’t be verified. The spirit of God began to speak and I was in the anointing for I have been praying almost four hours. He spoke and talked and I listened. I got to understand the cat had been as a result a sacrifice done on behalf of the whole family probably for protection but then that sacrifice exacted its dues of making the people not able to marry at best they can only give birth. The cat urinated signifying driving away any person comes for marriage.
Previously when I had watched it on television I had been skeptical of these ‘prophets’ who say things that cannot be verified. But now I was neutral and accepted it as truth because I have been prophesying almost a year now and I can identify the voice of the Holy Spirit with precision and if an evil spirit tried to influence me, I could tell that one too.
I decided to pray for this person and the demon came into play. The evil spirit folded the person’s fingers like a cat and meowed loudly so that those who were in their rooms could hear the strange sound. Then the person behaving like a big cat scratched the floor with its claws it scared us and turned furiously’.
My jaws dropped when the spirit began to talk and said exactly what the Holy Spirit had told me. The evil spirit didn’t say it that easily, I had to use the name of Jesus before it talked and reveal these things and other secrets.

My conclusion is that witches and demons are real and almost in every African home there is a sacrifice. I see this trend a lot; low education in families, people die at certain age, some don’t marry, others too are polygamous, some too are very poor, low sperm count or sickness etc.
If you have a problem that is bothering you, look in your family line and see the trend and know that there could be a witch or wizard or curse that is in action against your life.
When you come to Christ it is true that you are a knew creation but if you see some of these things still recurring in your family or your life or even though it has not happened to you seek help and you are not a committed Christian.

The blood of Jesus can deliver you from this curse and you also need a prophet who sees in the Spirit and one with enough anointing and know how to deal with your situation. This person must have time for you and be his/her friend so that always when you have attacks he will see it before it happens.

Stay blessed.


Awesome Moment With The Holy Spirit
This Wednesday night meeting was awesome. It started at 4pm and ended at 7pm. I remember I got up to lead prayers and we prayed for about an hour. I still felt we should pray more so we continued. There was so much anointing in the prayers because the Holy Spirit anointed the prayers. One of the things I have learnt in ministry is never to put structure on the move of the Spirit, it cuts off the anointing. And this sound principle was the foundation of the anointing that happened in the latter part of the service.

One of the sisters was asked to lead us in worship and I prayed for a few people and exhorted them to pray in the spirit. I saw in a vision one of the ladies prophesy so while in the worship I called her and she prophesied. The anointing was on her mightily and we took advantage to pray for the sick and it was a great moment to see as people fell under the anointing. People dropped on the ground unannounced. Prophecies were all over the place and there was shouting as most people were overwhelmed by the power of God. It is good to know how to supervise the anointing so that it doesn’t cut off. I called a lady to share a word for few minutes and three minutes into what she was saying, the anointing came upon her and she somersaulted and started prophesying and then to every individual with names.

I lifted the small girl who I was told had fainted the previous day; I did as I have seen in the vision and prayed for her. Then I went to the children and two at a go dropped under the anointing. I just have to touch the other one too was gone, slain in the spirit.
I saw that the anointing was on a lady, so I touched her and the power so drenched her that she lost her self consciousness and begun to sing, ‘anointing fall on me’. Do you know who this person was? The young lady who had given me trouble in the deliverance! Now she has received the Holy Ghost baptism and the power God is upon her mightily.

A woman manifested a demon and I wasted no time in casting it out. On this night the deliverance was powerful, a stepmother bewitching a step daughter was revealed and the witchcraft cast out, demon of fornication and lust 25 in all was cast out, a demon that lurked in someone’s hair when it was discovered and been cast out, sung ‘jah rasta farai, jah is great’ – the demon refused to go until we un-plaited the hair!
I remember a lady asked me, ‘now what should we do?’ she asked this question because ladies are attracting and been demonized from putting strange hair and doing strange hair styles. But I live these deliverance stories to my deliverance story and lessons I have been teaching, just follow my posts and you will read about the full details of these manifestations.

We didn’t want to close, the power was so much but we did. Some of the deliverance I postponed to this impending Saturday meeting 10am to 2pm at Dominion Centre, Odumase, it will be awesome! Come and hear secrets of how people are been harmed spiritually and learn! submit yourself for deliverance if you are having challenges! We don’t charge money, freely have you received freely should you give!

Thank you Jesus!
Stay blessed!

Your level has change!


'Papa Claus it is back!' the person yelled on the phone. While on my way to pray with this person I sensed the anointing like wind around my legs and I could also hear sound in my ears as if a fan has been turned on. I knew I was going to deal with witchcraft spirit. Witches destroy things but I believe they are the weakest of the evil spirit generation and yet greatest destroyers. When am dealing with witchcraft, they go on their knees and beg that they are sorry and they won't come again. They also confess through the person easily, but some are also stubborn. The commonest of their works I have seen is stealing marriages, causing joblessness or business yield or barrenness.
Oftentimes people know their problem.
So the anointing stirs, then as I draw closer I see a dark thing at the side of the belly in a vision and the Spirit of God asks me to lay my hands there and pray, then bam! The spirits manifest begging and revealing secrets, names, how they came back by putting something in food etc. Good to hear this by the horses own mouth; other times too I reveal these prophetically. The person doesn't know what is happening so I record it and play it back. People's jaws always drop when they hear demons reveal things through them, if they it were prophecy they could be pretending not to know trying to hide things. The witch mentioned names and revealed secrets then I cast them out in the name of Jesus.

But they come back again. Why? How?

They keep fighting to destroy you so they cause you to sin. These are living humans so they will never live you alone and this makes them dangerous. They can arrange a fight for you by making somebody tempt you with anger. Once you sin, they enter and have the chance to work on the person.
I tell people to get closer to the Lord but they say, 'but am living right!' and they make it seem as if Psalm 124 is a lie.
Anyone been pursued by witches should walk in the anointing like a pastor so that they cannot win you. If your anointing is low they can easily overpower you like a small man can overcome a baby elephant that is huge.

You run according to what is pursuing you!

When the person comes and I cast it out they can return easily when you are not strong, thus empty of the word and not prayerful and walking in holiness. At best stay with somebody who sees into the spirit (I recommend this for people with serious witch or wizard issues) and stay under the persons protection till you build up spiritual muscles big enough to ward them off. And you grow by studying the word and praying.

In summary, witches exists in our families and are responsible for majority of our problems. They operate in secrecy so that we can't figure them out. They break marriages, cause children to be dummy in school, spoil business deals etc.

For this person things changed the moment we started praying together: when I see this person I say thanks to God. Once this person asked me 'papa claus, where were you! Where you all this time!!' I laughed because because at that time I was a businessman. The witches for some live in their houses and monitor you all the time, grow so that they don't come back and ruin your blessings.

To be continued.

stay blessed.

Your level will change!


Today was a celebration day for me. The baby I am holding in my hands is that of the woman I have been talking about. The first day I laid hands on her she manifested a witchcraft spirit, and it said ‘I won’t let her give birth, she is my daughter but I wont let her give birth’. But she was delivered from that spirit... I think the time for delivery had passed and she went to deliver but when the baby was about to come, the womb shut. The doctors might have been scared seeing what happened because they complained they haven’t seen such a thing before. They didn’t even try a caesarian session but sent her home. Her husband been angry said I had made the demon angry so he won’t let her come to service anymore. Thanks be onto God that after imprisoning her for about three weeks without any solution he released her to come. I laid hands on her again and I saw her slain in the spirit for a short period and when I returned on the fourth day she hand given birth to a handsome baby boy.

She laid the baby in my arms today as if it was my child and I made some powerful declarations over the baby. The way the babies are beautiful these days if we don’t take time we shall give birth like ducks; born plenty because they are beautiful to behold, they grow very fast and are computer savvy too.

A woman showed up today and while I ministered I saw her crawl with her buttocks on the ground, a demonic manifestation. We saw that the problem had to be with the hair, we un-plait the hair and prayed for her. She was delivered instantly.
Mighty things are happening at DOMINION CENTRE, pokuase.
You have to come to our alnight this 21st Nov, Friday because there is going to be awesome miracles, the spirit of God spoke to my heart and said, ‘this is just the beginning’.
Come and partake of the miracles too. You are welcome


Yesterday while I prayed I saw in a vision the people who would come to the service and I received a revelation as to how to handle all the situations but due to the intensity of the job on a single person I couldn’t pray for all the people who came. Some of the peoples’ prayers were relegated to the Wednesday meeting and the alnight service on 21st Nov, this Friday.
Today, the number was more than the usual though we missed several members. The service started with prayer, worship and praise. After testimonies I shared a short word of exhortation and we got down to another session.

As usual there were demonic manifestations and they tried to frustrate me. I saw that a lady just came to service and the head started to pain her but I prayed and it stopped then it starts again. Something dey there oooo.

The tough time she gave us! The two Pastors who visited us had a time ushering and saying come out; I saw they had it to the nose. It wasn’t easy for every body. I mean the person with the evil spirit was strong like ten men and with one blow threw a sister to hit the wall and scratching some part of her body. She could bite and hit the bible from one of the brother’s hands when he tried to read the book of Jude to her about the faith of demons. She finished all our oil.

Another lady manifested and confessed as to how sickness was been put on her and the husband. It was a tough time too but we managed to deliver her. They put the sickness in her food; this is a lesson to those who eat their neighbor’s food without praying over it.
Even after we have closed I was so tired I went to take a short nap and when I returned I sensed a strong anointing. I had three people with me and I did cast evil spirits from two and prophesied to all of them. One manifested revealing how they made sacrifices on behalf of the family thereby preventing the ladies from going to school.

The deliverance happened as they sat in chair and I prayed silently and the confessions continued. But the person was delivered without any struggle while sitting in a chair. The anointing at this period was more than that of the service; I can say so judging by the way the deliverance was going on and the presence of God at this moment.
The mother of the miracle baby brought the child and I prayed for it, it was an emotional moment for me. A sister also with many years of migraine who visited physicians received her healing after deliverance.

There is power in deliverance because when you cast a demon out, you could be healing sickness, redeeming the person’s education, saving the persons business or marriage and many other areas. Evil spirits, once they live, their evil works ends.
I can’t say more mopo, the pictures here tell the story, read it yourself as you watch them. The saying goes that a picture says a thousand words, watch them and understand.


As far as am concerned deliverance is synonymous to healing. Do a little research and you will see it is same with Jesus ministry. Demons are cast out and sicknesses stop!
In Luke 11:14, a dumb person spoke after Jesus cast out an evil spirit.

Just yesterday I cast my mind back to some healings that has gone unnoticed or properly stated not given attention to. I realized that there has been quite a number of healings.

A healing I recollect is when I prophesied and prayed for a lady who had an ear problem at EEPNET, she had been to the hospital and the doctor told her they have found nothing with the ear. When I prayed with her and closed the program, she came to me and said my ear has started responding. I put fingers in there and prayed some more, I haven't met her since.

At the Second Meeting, while on the way to DC the Lord spoke to me about a person with a backpain / Spinal cord problem. When I started the service that day, I called out to anyone with a back pain and only one person came out, a man. While we prayed, he acted as if somebody was hurting his back but after prayers he said the pain has left and now he is back to work.

Another lady with with an acute abdominal pain was delivered and received healing in the process.

The latest healing was another chronic migrain for years which the lady found healing at DC. I told the story here.

I enquired for more healing testimonies and this one cropped up: a swollen feet that kept getting bigger but when she was prayed for she is also free. More testimonies we have let go without asking for them but this time we are documenting all and expecting ear shuttering ones! My God is big!!!

One could say that these are not much but for those who had these problems, it was a big issue for them. Am taking advantage of this to pray for sick people and get ready to have your ears filled with testimonies. Especially in today's meeting and the 21st Nov alnight I shall pray for anyone who is sick. We are believing God for massive healings this year. Instead of going to hospital and paying large sums of money come to our meetings and let God touch you. I believe he will if you come, 'I am the God that healeth thee'.

At Dominion Centre as we deliver people they get healed too, because, some of the diseases are caused by evil spirits and once it is driven out the sickness stops. Even if the sickness is not by a spirit Jesus can still heal you. That family member or child or friend who is sick should be brought to DC and the Lord will heal.
I can't heal but Jesus can and we know he is here and not only is he healing people but changing lives.

BE HEALED IN JESUS NAME!! Type a big AMEN if believe the Lord will do it!!
Am waiting for you.

Stay blessed!!

Your level will change!


Dear Mopo,
This Wednesday’s service was another thing altogether. The word was powerful, the ministration was great, the deliverance and prophetic was awesome. I would take it one after the other.

I shared on 1 John 4:16 and I spoke about the love of God. The message was mainly on a contrast between God’s love and human love. Human love is of the flesh, when I say l love you it is because I have seen something on you. Tomorrow, if it is not there I run away from you. That is how fickle human love is; always based on a motive of what we can get, SELFISHNESS.
God’s love has no condition; the scripture said God is love and anyone who walks in God’s love lives in God. This is powerful. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. When we practice God’s love we live in God and the evil one cannot touch us. You dwell in the secret place.
I spoke about how most people would not like to walk in love but visit many prophets so that they lay hands on them till some of the ladies have bald heads, some are even bathed with ‘sawi3’ by false prophets. There are no shortcuts in Christ. They liked the message and they were responsive to it.

We prayed for most of the members. Our ministrations has the usual ‘anointing’ and the ‘falling’. A lady had food poison with serious stomach pains. After prayers she became okay. We prayed for a number of sick people but we didn’t have enough time to interview, we would have had more testimonies.
There was also the normal deliverance where a snake spirit was detected and cast out; the spirit had revealed that it came from Nigeria and so on. Witchcraft was also detected and the confessions continued.

I discovered by accident that am able to pray for people so that they can have visions. I quite remember I prayed for a lady who saw angels and Jesus. This has happened with at least two or three more people. This is a very authentic vision where to them the experience was like seeing these heavenly beings in flesh. I have seen that those we pray for sometimes try to shield their eyes from what they see because the vision is so authentic and sometimes frightening. Some cry or shout or try to run away.

On this day, I prayed for a lady evangelist and asked the Lord to send her to hell to see how the place looks like and how people suffer; this will make her take her work more seriously I suppose. Well the Holy Spirit prompted me to do it. The experience lasted for about 10 minutes and I had to ‘snatch’ her back from the vision. She was so overwhelmed and sweating and was in tears as she narrated what she saw; how an angel carried her to the place and so on. Two more people experienced visions in different ways.

There was also serious prophetic moments. Don’t forget our 21st Nov alnight happening this Friday!
What more can I say? I give glory to God.

Stay blessed!

Your level has change!


The alnight was dubbed ‘night of anointing’ and I can say it really lived up to this theme.

Lots of people attended the alnight. We have a couple who went to the school premises to wait for about an hour before the service begun. The man himself was not impressed with my physical appearance the first day I met him. When he was invited to my service, he showed a superior face but I watched his attitude transform quickly when two people manifested a witchcraft and a demon and the fallings spooked him, so many people falling under the anointing. All of a sudden he became serious and prayed loudly, was he afraid at all? His attitude changed and now he and his wife waited for about an hour, wow, God is good. At the alnight I watched him and he absorbed every prayer and received every prophecy with seriousness. He has seen if he is serious, he could be blessed.

I wanted to relinquish the MC to another person but I felt led to ‘manage the anointing’. And it was so that the service flowed and the anointing experienced was far more than the previous alnight; the evidence was there, prophetic, deliverance, anointing the members etc.

One thing I have learnt is that ‘structure’ kills the anointing. When you have set certain period of time for the Holy Spirit he might want to move at his own opportune time (people cut him off at this time) but we limit him and give him another time and so the anointing dies. Though I set time, yet it is very flexible. That is how I ‘managed’ the anointing this service. Even when we had closed, members did not want to go because they wanted more impartation and I understand, my friends who attended the alnight for the first time said, they didn’t feel sleepy after we had closed; in their previous alnight it wasn’t so.
There was serious anointed prayers, deliverance and heavy personal prophecies from me, Seer Rees, Prophet Emma, also Yawa le and Matilda led a very powerful worship.

Below is a summary of testimonies;
1. The lady with 3years of migraine who had visited several physicians came to testify.
2. A mother testified of a change in the child behavior after prayers in the in the Saturday miracle service.
3. A woman testified of an accommodation problem and how the Lord provided them with a wonderful place
4. Another woman testified of a challenge in marriage and when she was prayed and delivered saw a change.
5. A man with back pain or spinal problem with other sicknesses testified of God’s healing and how his financial life has received transformation.
6. Another lady testified of how through deliverance, she has overcome several problems and was also thankful for the watchful eye she was under.
7. Etc etc

During deliverance, a lady manifested a spirit that came on her because of her mother’s continuous curses. The name of the spirit itself was chilling however, she was delivered.

Another person manifested the attack of witchcraft and how the spirit was annoyed because of the alnight. It was funny to see all the insults and the theatrics. After all the difficulty, she was delivered.
Demonic manifestations were many and the Lord delivered a lot.
There was strong prophetic with deliverance.
If you miss our alnights you have greatly loosed.

In our alnights, we pray for the sick, cast out devils and so on. We never try to improve on the methods of Jesus. Jesus is the foundation and we do it like the way Jesus did it, we will always cast out devils and people will always fall under the anointing, we prophecy and pray for the sick.
Dominion Centre is a deliverance, healing and prophetic ministry. We pray and pray and pray until the Lord hears us.

In 2015, it is going to be awesome. Judging from the prophecies that have come, next year will be too much. There is one thing that am sure of, members will increase at an astronomical rate.
The last alnight is Friday 19th December come and see what the Lord is doing.

Your level have change!


The alnight was dubbed ‘night of anointing’ and I can say it really lived up to this theme.

Lots of people attended the alnight. We have a couple who went to the school premises to wait for about an hour before the service begun. The man himself was not impressed with my physical appearance the first day I met him. When he was invited to my service, he showed a superior face but I watched his attitude transform quickly when two people manifested a witchcraft and a demon and the fallings spooked him, so many people falling under the anointing. All of a sudden he became serious and prayed loudly, was he afraid at all? His attitude changed and now he and his wife waited for about an hour, wow, God is good. At the alnight I watched him and he absorbed every prayer and received every prophecy with seriousness. He has seen if he is serious, he could be blessed.

I wanted to relinquish the MC to another person but I felt led to ‘manage the anointing’. And it was so that the service flowed and the anointing experienced was far more than the previous alnight; the evidence was there, prophetic, deliverance, anointing the members etc.

One thing I have learnt is that ‘structure’ kills the anointing. When you have set certain period of time for the Holy Spirit he might want to move at his own opportune time (people cut him off at this time) but we limit him and give him another time and so the anointing dies. Though I set time, yet it is very flexible. That is how I ‘managed’ the anointing this service. Even when we had closed, members did not want to go because they wanted more impartation and I understand, my friends who attended the alnight for the first time said, they didn’t feel sleepy after we had closed; in their previous alnight it wasn’t so.
There was serious anointed prayers, deliverance and heavy personal prophecies from me, Seer Rees, Prophet Emma, also Yawa le and Matilda led a very powerful worship.

Below is a summary of testimonies;
1. The lady with 3years of migraine who had visited several physicians came to testify.
2. A mother testified of a change in the child behavior after prayers in the in the Saturday miracle service.
3. A woman testified of an accommodation problem and how the Lord provided them with a wonderful place
4. Another woman testified of a challenge in marriage and when she was prayed and delivered saw a change.
5. A man with back pain or spinal problem with other sicknesses testified of God’s healing and how his financial life has received transformation.
6. Another lady testified of how through deliverance, she has overcome several problems and was also thankful for the watchful eye she was under.
7. Etc etc

During deliverance, a lady manifested a spirit that came on her because of her mother’s continuous curses. The name of the spirit itself was chilling however, she was delivered.

Another person manifested the attack of witchcraft and how the spirit was annoyed because of the alnight. It was funny to see all the insults and the theatrics. After all the difficulty, she was delivered.
Demonic manifestations were many and the Lord delivered a lot.
There was strong prophetic with deliverance.
If you miss our alnights you have greatly loosed.

In our alnights, we pray for the sick, cast out devils and so on. We never try to improve on the methods of Jesus. Jesus is the foundation and we do it like the way Jesus did it, we will always cast out devils and people will always fall under the anointing, we prophecy and pray for the sick.
Dominion Centre is a deliverance, healing and prophetic ministry. We pray and pray and pray until the Lord hears us.

In 2015, it is going to be awesome. Judging from the prophecies that have come, next year will be too much. There is one thing that am sure of, members will increase at an astronomical rate.
The last alnight is Friday 19th December come and see what the Lord is doing.

Your level will change!

Yesterday a woman discussed with me .......

Yesterday a woman discussed with me about how her son's father is not taking care of the boy.
My answer was, before you meet him
1. Pray and commit your son to the Lord. Bind the inteference of any evil entity in his life. If a spirit is trying to steal the boy's favor you will stop it. Dip the boy in the blood of Jesus.
2. She should confess her sins and quit any sin because the enemy can enter and control your life when there is sin. Sin opens the door, when you cast them out and they come again they do so through the door of sin. As long as you stay holy they can't touch you.
3. Pray over the man. Bind any demonic entity confusing his mind. There is a spirit of disfavor that works against the children of God.
4. Commit the whole meeting and purposr into the hands of Jehovah.

Conclusion. If she could follow this outline she will call me and testify of the outcome of the meeting.

Do same.

Stay blessed!!!


Today’s service begun with more prayers and worship and it lasted for about 1hour. Then we switched on to the word using the scripture 1 John 5:18.
The bottom line of the message was that if witches and demons are able to afflict a person it is because of the sin in that person’s life. Again, if we cast demons out and they return it is because the person’s fire is low and there is also sin. When the enemy has nothing in you or you don’t owe the person anything, that person cannot sue you. The evil one cannot touch you when you have no sin.

We prayed and made declarations and the place was charged with heavy prayer. The Holy Spirit really anointed our prayers.

The sick woman who was delivered
I ask those sick to come forward to be prayed for and one with pain in the leg came forward. It wasnt long when I discerned that she was been harassed by a spirit. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit hit her, it was a witch who hated the woman and wanted to kill her. The witch through the person under the deliverance said, she stole her sandals and took it to a fetish house. They want to hurt her so that they amputate the leg and the husband will live her because of that.
While we prayed she run away and they brought her back crying. Some demons are stubborn but more information was extracted and after sometime the spirit was cast out.
Let’s be careful because there are people who will actually steal anything on you just so they can take it to a fetish to ‘juju’ you.

The woman under death threat
When I caught her the spirit shouted ‘I will kill her!’ This spirit said the woman has stolen her lover and married him so she will kill the woman. She confessed that she stole the woman’s favorite trousers and took it to a fetish priest but they could not succeed in killing her. All that this witch wants is to take the man from the woman; the witch had a child for the woman’s husband.
Something funny happened, the spirit was speaking Ga and I couldnt understand most of it or ask questions properly. so i commanded the spirit to speak twi and it spoke but very annoyed i was forcing it to spake another language. I told the spirit she wasnt beautiful and you should see how it was trying to flex and pose beauty. People were enjoying themselves because it was interesting to watch. Thank God she was delivered.
I interviewed the woman after the prayers and it was apparent that she wasn’t aware what was going on during her deliverance. But she said she hanged her trouser on a line and it was stolen. I cautioned her to be careful because a jealous woman with child for her husband is after her life.
There are really wicked people living around us and we have to be careful. There were other deliverances but time was not on our side so I had to close the meeting which started at 5pm and closed about 8pm.
What as service! So much deliverance anointing!
Don’t forget our Saturday meetings which commences at 10am and closes at 2pm.
Thank you Holy Spirit!

Your level will change!


A sister once spoke to me, 'papa Claus, this friend of mine is in trouble. She has grown so lean I can't believe it. She has an unidentified sickness and I want you to pray for her'.

The lady looked normal to me but she seem to have a great depression. So around 2pm we decided to pray for her. I had Seer Rees to help me.
When we started praying the lady turned and fell heavily on the floor and started coughing and vomiting saliva and mucus together. She was shouting like a mad man and struggled when i laid hands on her back. It was in the afternoon and I wondered how I could get out from the house the way the she shouted; I didn't want to draw attention to myself. While we prayed something strange happened, an occurrence I haven't seen before in my life!

The lady who asked us to pray for her friend fell and got up and looked so charged! She spoke boldly with Holy Ghost, I had confirmation that it was the Lord. It was as if God in a body completely, in short it was The Holy Ghost in action minus the lady.
She spoke authoritatively, ' your husband used you for a ritual and he planted it under the house that he has built. That is why you are growing so lean, soon you will die and that is why he is trying to eject you'.
The sister put her feet on the lady on the floor, turned her, spoke in tongues. All this the lady under deliverance was shouting, crying and vomiting. Several days we prayed for her. She left healed.

I have a question?
If some people are 'doing' you how do you know, because these things are happening to many people and they don't know.
1. Dreams;
God can reveal it to you in a dream. Please take your dreams seriously.
If somebody have sex with you in a dream you have been defiled; it brings sickness, destroy finances etc
If the same dream repeats many at times it is true! Take guard!

If you don't dream it's not good, pray about it because it is like turning off your alarm. If thieves come you won't see. If pharaoh had not dreamt about the coming plenty and lean years, the human race would have perished.

To be continued..

Your level will change!

CLAUS DAIRY 29/11/14

Beautiful Moment With The Holy Spirit at DOMINION CENTRE INTERNATIONAL (DCI)

Shieee the Holy Spirit worked today!
To recap first the testimonies were powerful, lots of deliverance in the first and second meetings and anointings and healing, we also used our first batch of 35pcs of plastic chairs given to us for worship, so much prayer and worship!
I intend to tell everything and make it interesting so I shall divide into volumes one to four and I hope you enjoy it!

But there was heavy anointing today. I prayed for a lady, holy laughter came on her and she laughed plenty then other woman , she danced holy dance under the anointing! I love the anointing!

The lady who was taking the offering brought it for me to bless it, in no time the power of God hit her while she held the bag for offering prayers.
I said 'bring her' and let her hold it for me to pray, then bam! She was on the floor carved and enveloped in power. She received a gift of fund raising.

Read the volumes 1,2,3,4

Your level will change!

CLAUS DAIRY 29/11/14

Saturday Miracle Service at Dominion Centre International

Testimony Time!
Four women, the first sung and testified of an attack on her husband she had in a dream and the husband was sick became sick of a sharp abdominal pain. She prayed and the lord touched him. She requests for more prayers.

Always Sick
This wan said she always gets sick and she has about 10 hospital cards from different hospitals. All the husband does is pay hospital bills. The man left the house and refused to go back because it was too much for him. When the sickness comes she shouts and do all manner of things.

Now she is doing so well that the husband comes home everyday. She said the husband has seen that something great is happening to his wife.
I know that she is not 100% fit but she will fully recover as she comes all the time! Glory!

The Prophetess In Odumase
The lady who was pregnant but past time and the doctors said they cant find any womb in her came to testify and thank God again for her delivery, she confirms (and the other lady too) that a lady prophetess, a pastor in that area said Papa Claus is Called and a great prophet. Many fake men of God are in Ghana her but Claus is true. When they were testifying they were thanking God for my life.
Mopo, I think the pastors in the place have started hearing about me. Their members come to DCI and tell their pastors. Hmm it's wonderful to have free endorsement oooo.
The testimonies are many but I will end here.

Your level will change!


Saturday Miracle Service at Dominion Centre International


The Preacher
While praying the Lord revealed to me a member has a problem and need deliverance. I told him and promised to pray for him on Saturday.
When I laid hands on him he started manifesting and shouted,
!ooh live Me alone!'
Who are you! I asked
I don't have a name but I live with him I'm the same area, we fly at night.
What have you been doing to him, I asked
Who asked him to pray for the man with the stomach pains? Everyday he gathers the people and pray at dawn and disturb us. He is making us unsuccessful.
This man I am praying for was sick the first day I got to that area. When I prayed for him he cried like a girl and fell was slain in the spirit. The wife couldn't look at her husband and the people in the meeting laughed because it was funny. Maybe if it was me I would have packed and left the house!
But today he is worrying the witches in the area with his prayers and etc ! God is good!
After the deliverance I asked him if he knew what was going he said no and when I told him he was surprised. Why kraa are people surprised? Hmmmmmmm as3m oooooo

Your level will change!


Saturday Miracle Service at Dominion Centre International

Healed of acute stomach pains
Mopo, the demon entered when she was in school while she was engaged in a fight. This person told me of the stomach pains. After she was delivered the stomach pains left instantly but not after she had vomited three times.
Demons enter when we sin, we create a legal ground for entry! Read 1 John 5:18
Don't fight anybody please don't sin ! Any sin open doors to some foreigners, if we can keep ourselves the evil one cannot touch us. If you fornicate, commit adultery, midfielder, like pono then I tell you that you may have a lot of those terrible demons. Those with lots of pono on your whatsapps! Hahaha you are attracting them I tell you.

Your level will change

CLAUS MINISTRY DIARY 29/11/14 Saturday Miracle Service at Dominion Centre International DELIVERANCE SESSION v4

The curse of pornography ......
Mopo, this wan di3 I shall not tell all wai, demon of masturbation, lust etc all from one person

When I held her she fell backwards. I sensed the spirit of lust so I decided to cast it out but it was stubborn. Three demons I cast two and the last one won't live for me to live for home too.
It enters her at age six when another girl slept with her. Made her do all manner of things, I believe you get the idea right? Well, when I said come out the demon said this is my home I won't go! I said aha ni hi? Wub3kor!
I saw in the vision the thing was below the abdomen so I fired my bullet, blood and name of Jesus.
It was strong demon, the sexual demons always are, said it want to spoil her womb through masturbation. Eiiii I hear things ooooo. Egwuma weidi3 endafom wai! Hahaha
I cast it out in Jesus name. I let all those there go out of the room because they could catch it too, some people they have low resistance.
After it came she confessed that father watched pono and she sneaked in and watched too when father was not around. The fathers who think they are doing it in secret, forget it the devil want it to spread in your home so your children know and are following after your steps. You are raising future prostitutes if you don't know. When they grow giving birth will be problem for them and if it is a male child you are training a rapist for sure! You have so much pornography on your phone via whatsapp!! Good for you!! Hahaha
I am tired! I won't say the other deliverance

Your level will change!

Last week a woman called that his son was sick......

Last week a woman called that his son was sick. I prayed two days with the boy on phone.
This morning I received a phone call, 'pastor thank you for praying for my son, we went for checkup and the doctors said there is no more jaundice'.
What thrills me more is this, ' pastor we shall come for the saturday miracle service'.
Jesus is working miracles everyday!
It is not me 'but the father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works' John 14:10
December 2, 2014 at 10:39am · Edited · Privacy: Public


2 Corinthians 2:11 - Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

This topic is very important to me because it highlights certain cankers that has laid hidden in almost every family and life in Africa and the world. At best we have a vague idea of witchcraft and evil spirits but we don't know how to spot them.
They operate in secrecy because the power of Jesus and the word is sufficient to destroy them.
Please don't forget that the three fold agenda of the evil one is to steal, Kill and Destroy you. John 10:10.

I want to help you spot these things and the first is dreams, read the part one of this series on this page.

2. Trends
This is a particular situation that can be traced in a family or group over a period of time. For instance, there are families that you will find beautiful women but with bad marriages, in some families they die in their youth etc.
Most of you reading this piece can spot a certain pattern in your family which is not good at all.
In one deliverance I did, each member of the family had a spiritual cat, they sacrificed it for protection but the family pay their dues with bad marriages.
These trends can be ancestral that can Be traced many centuries back to our forefathers.
I never believed in any of these till the Holy Spirit showed me and I prophesied it, still I wasn't believing it until the fetish spirit confessed it similarly to what I had heard during deliverance.
If you are a believer and you see a pattern in your family please submit yourself for deliverance because it could soon be your turn.

These things have periods that they activate because they can hide in tour life for many years till it's time for them. For example a family with a curse with marriages will have the demon commence work when the person is due for marriage.

Recent curses;
these are latest trends which is new in your family or to you as an individual. You have noticed something new in your family which wasn't there before or for the past 10 years you have noticed certain occurrences in your life which wasn't there previously.

Common situations in these trends include devorces at certain age, not been able to reach certain level in education, early death, infant death or miscariages etc.

Please don't say you are a believer so it can't be there in your life, lets not forget the recent divorces that happened to a prominent man of God who has been in the ministry for over 30years!
I have personally prayed and delivered 'ojatious' Christians who preach the gospel, prophesy and even lay hands!

I am providing more signs to you so that you wouldn't need a prophet with discernment to tell you this thing is there.
Please take note that in a family though there could be a trend, one or two people could break it.

Let's not be ignorant of the devil's devices else he will take advantage of us!

To be continued.


Anointing And Deliverance
I went to do some jobs today before getting to Dominion Centre for the Wednesday Teaching and prayer service.
I preached a lengthy sermon today because I know that the word brings deliverance. My members enjoyed my message as they always have because they say am funny and plus it's free entertainment.

The Sermon; Lessons
Numbers 32
Some people quit their journey to the promised land when they find a Parker by the road side; some people quit God's plan for them when they have a juicy opportunity.
God was angry with the Israelites for this behavior and didn't allow them into the promised land.
Another lesson is that our lives are example to others. Ever since i started this ministry some friends of mine suddenly decide to obey God and start theirs, perhaps it's Because of the quick growth we are enjoying. Myself there are certain young men on Facebook I follow after, they really inspire me.

Finally I talked about dressing well. I sited the fact that a teacher who was lynched because his dressing wasn't good. When somebody shouted thief! Every body looked at the one with the shabby dressing and gave him slaps. Where I heard this story I don't remember and whether it is true I don't know but, all I know is that my members laughed their hearts out. They couldn't believe what they were hearing, I suppose some of them would be saying in their head that the story is a pastoral toli! Well it served it's purpose anyway! Hia!

The Anointing
We did worship and I prayed for all the adults and children. Then the Spirit of the Lord said he was releasing people from financial hardship and the anointing broke loose and people fell. I struggled to usher some with my smallish but cute and tantalizing body. Hia!

I made them spoke in tongues to charge it and anointing was something else. Some members who were like the solid rock of Gibraltar who never fell no matter how the anointing was found themselves taken down.

This particular woman I know has some trouble in the spirit but I couldn't get it out, on this day the demon manifested and was cast out. There were a number of cases like that, then when I say 'I command you spirit to leave her with a shout! The person falls with a shout and the evil spirit comes out. Some of them the demons will say 'I am going,I am going !' but it is azan! They are hiding there still but thanks to the spirit of discernment by which I know the evil is lying then I take another swype at the evil spirit and oya! It is gone!! Hallelujah!!

On this day I had certain spectacular manifestation of the spirit from under the sea that provides human hair. It sung 'rastas man throw one stone' to me, and warned me 'hey man watch ya self'. Tweaaaa!!
Full story would be told in the part three of my series HOW TO SPOT DEMONIC ACTIVITIES IN YOUR LIFE.
where does some of the hairs come from? What accompanies it and what does that thing do to you?

Another manifestation of a wizard who complained has been whipped and even mentioned the church he attends, hmmm.

In Another manifestation of a wizard, I seized it's power in the name of Jesus. He talked about the circumstances that led to his initiation and I asked why he doesn't want to be born-again etc.

Hmmm I am learning many things but it's a bit scary don't you think so? Pray for me wai.
This ministry Requires lots of Holiness, fasting and prayers.
My former big buttocks and belly have reduced drastically in size. I have exchanged it for anointing.

HAllelujah! When I prayed for God to open their eyes most people saw visions as I requested; faces of those doing them were shown to them.

Thank you Jesus please keep watching over me!!!!!!

Your level has changed!!!


For lack of knowledge my people perish Hosea 4:6

Knowledge is power!
How many times have we prayed and prayed and that attack still exists? Plenty.
You may have the anointing but if you lack knowledge it will be difficult to deal with that attack.
The devil wins often because believers often don't know what to do.
Some pastors too don't know what they are dealing with. How can you heal a sickness you have know idea that it is there?

1. If you have attacks find out the Spirit you are dealing with. The way we drive out demons is different from how human spirits under control of evil spirits are handled.
What are you dealing with? A marine spirit or witch or demon or human spirit.

2. Answer this question, on what grounds is it using to afflict you? A sin in your life or previous association with the occult?
The devil doesn't just come. After dealing with a few case I know that there is a spiritual door we open for them. You have to discover it a close it.
Do this by asking the Lord to forgive you and close the door. Don't go back to that life again.

3. Rebuke the evil spirit loudly in the name of Jesus. Do it everyday! Use the blood of Jesus. Quote scriptures.

4. Let somebody who knows about things like these pray with you. They are more effective than some who doesn't have this as their ministry.

5. Anoint your house everyday. Pray over your food.

6. Remove anything in your life that attracts evil spirits. Some people the hair on their heads are carrying demons. I have learned that you can't bless anything that belongs to Satan and make it yours. You can't bless a goat and hope it becomes a sheep.
Pornography, certain amulets, songs and CDs, tele-novellas and horror movies attract demons.
Certain friends bring demons, they carry negative energy.

7. Be always on fire. A prayerful and anointed persons makes it hard for demons to operate.

If you follow these steps, with the help of God you will be delivered.


Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
Eph 4:8

I have seen that deliverance is popular in a few circles. It is popular for those who needs the gift. There are some people who will not be free till they meet the deliverance minister. Some people finds this topic too unpalatable and sensitive to their liking.

Deliverance ministry is a gift
I remember after I had watched and read the book of a deliverance minister, unknowingly I was catching the anointing. It wasn't long when I was praying then demons will manifest without me intentionally provoking them. I didn't like it at first because of my Christian background but when I saw the help it brought I changed quite radically.

Yesterday I decided to bless some few people through impartation, I prayed for the first person but when I was blessing the second person a demon manifested and started revealing secrets. Secrets that show what the person have been going through, after learning from the horse own mouth I cast it out. The information serves many purposes, I shall expatiate on this in the next part and prove it's scriptural.

Deliverance ministry is an anointing from the Holy Spirit.
Many ministers frown at this anointing, to them demons does not exist. But they are not God and the Holy Spirit has diverse gifts.
Today I got a revelation about a person who they have cast a spell on through juju, 'yatunu adro' as we call it. When I got there even kneeling for prayer wasnt possible for him. He could only sit but after prayer he got up and stretched his arms and legs and walked about the room. Ears have opened, sharp abdominal pains just left, serious migraine and eye problems disappear, queer behavior stops, the list is endless.

Not easy to be a deliverance minister
You will have to fast several days a week and pray several hours a day. Unlike certain ministries where pastors could be eating their turkey all the time. The deliverance minister needs all the anointing he can get.

I don't know but I doubt a person can be a deliverance minister without been a prophet. Some of the demons manifests and pretend they are gone and person lies still, how do you know except by the prophets vision and discernment? When the demon escapes my vision the anointing will reveal it. The anointing stairs around my legs, I figure out spirit of lust easily and the like.

The Need for Deliverance
There is a canker that exist only to the eye of the deliverance minister. Today I heard that a famous minister told his people that there is nothing like spiritual marriage. Surely either that bigwig minister is fighting the deliverance ministry or he has never cast a demon before.
Why do fellow ministers attack other ministries?
If you work with your gift well you will not have to poison peoples minds about certain ministries. The type of ministry doesn't matter but it is the blessing of God that makes the difference. Today prophets can't be friends with teachers and teachers can't Br friends with deliverance ministers, the devil is at the center of it!

There are many spiritual marriage cases I have dealt with personally; many ancestral curses from sacrifices and curses and spells. The power of witchcraft and the occult and human spirits destroying people everyday!

It is after I have been in this ministry for a while before I saw that people did all sort of terrible things with their bodies, that person you admire so much carry 25 demons or so and when you marry her it's only a matter of time that your business collapses and the marriage breaks down whole the children become vagabonds.
Don't tell me this is not true because of your doctrines, that you don't believe it doesn't mean it is not there! As a matter of fact whether you believe it or not it is immaterial.

Every gift is important! The prophetic can deal with deliverance and so is teachers but none of them can do justice to it like those called, gifted and anointed for it. For while you do it blindly, I know the demon and what it is doing and how to get it out and many more. Just been closer to you my antennas a picking up demons already and when they talk silently I hear them and they know I do but you don't know. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and everyday he teaches me more about my trade and tells mr to share only on that. Those who need it and are wise will receive help!

If you have terrible dreams and spirits sleep with you and you are getting sick everyday, you stay there without seeking help! Go ahead and be fanciful with it!
Deliverance depends on the Lord and you have to be patient, if the person was called for it the Lord will use him to help you.

To be continued

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This morning, the call came earlier than I expected. It rung and I picked the call, 'pastor, good morning'. I responded.. The woman said, 'the man you prayed for yesterday, I just received a call that he is healed'.

I was thanking God and I called directly, yes the healing had taken place. Yesterday he ate heavily for the first time in 3 weeks! He was bedfast in his room and could only sit and take only three spoonful of koko a day. Even I who fast wouldn't do that!
The person who took him to a fetish priest really wanted to finish him.

The Details
Last Week, 6th Dec We had our usual saturday miracle service.
Then I got a call that a member's relative was sick and needed prayers. The person called me within three minutes after I had been told.

I counseled and prayed with him on the phone. It was during the prayers that the Lord showed me in a vision that the man has been sent to a juju. When I told him he wasn't sure but they called after a few hours to confirm that it was true.
I had a 'nudge' from the Holy Spirit to go there and pray for Him. Well, I went there yesterday (9/12/14) and conducted a miracle service in his room in the presence of four other persons.

When I got there he was so week and lean he couldn't kneel for the prayer. So he sat on his bed.
His story was that it happened to him three weeks ago while driving his taxi in a traffic and they had to carry him from the car for hospital. As usual doctors know this is not hospital matter so he was brought home and he has been in his room ever since. He ate three spoonful of koko and drunk water only.
I led him to receive Jesus as his savior and We prayed for about 40 minutes and anointed him. I commanded him to get up in faith and stretch his legs and walk to flex his muscles and he did it while his wife clapped and watched in amazement at what the Lord was doing.
You know me already, I laid hands to impart anointing and the women had to support him because he was falling under the power.
I knew he was healed and asked them to prepare him heavy food. Am sure he finished everything and the following morning his energy and strength was back and then I called the famous call that came earlier than I expected!

Now he is healed completely! Wow! Glory to God that this 'tukpe' was stopped else they could have killed him.
Thank you Jesus!

If you read this testimony,
Like it, share it, comment etc.

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While we were having the Alnight, the man's wife came and told us what has happened while she was in her room at that same time were doing deliverance for her husband.
'while I was in my room, an elderly man entered even I had locked the door,' the lady said. 'I said how can you enter my room with doors locked? The elderly man said keep shut up and I kept quiet. He bypassed me and took something from our room and got to the door again and vanished. At this time fear came over me and rushed to this place'.

Three weeks ago the Lord spoke to me and asked me to pray for mr max (not his real name). He was to be delivered from the spirit of a fetish priest. It was his turn in the family but he didn't want to, that is why when I went there his job had collapsed and he was sick everyday and was always in his room.

The first time that I go to the area two women said they wanted to see the prophet. When I gave my prophecy to max's wife she was crying and told me her sad story. I prayed for her and she was slain in the spirit but I was afraid because she looked dead. I was spooked! But when I lifted her she woke up.

Today he is doing so well; working, praying and preaching. When I told him he needed deliverance from the fetish or shrine he said no. He said they can't touch him because of the numerous things he is doing.

He consented and came for the Alnight and strong 7 spirits manifested. They wanted him to serve as fetish priest and they wouldn't live him alone. They said the idols are his!
It was a hefty deliverance but he was free at the end.
Now just as we concluded delivering him his wife comes with the story that a man came to their room while the door was locked but this happened because he was delivered, they came for their things.

1. Max said for several months he has not been paid at work and he faced other challenges. He thought God was disciplining Him but the confession that came out was that they had held hid finances and other areas of His life.
Some situations have their source from evil spirits and not your boss or something.

2. If there is a curse that is following like Max'ss own you have seek for deliverance. He speaks in tongues and prays 5hrs most times and fasting means nothing to him! This man prays for people.
Please if you have some problems which you think might be from some of these evil spirits, better seek help. Don't say you are born-again so you are free.

3. Take care of yourself! Do a research and find out if there is something following you because of your family background.

4. Max has his deliverance, if he works with God there is no way Satan can get him to become a fetish priest.

Your life has changed!

Claus Ministry Diary (Wed 10/12/14)

The Teaching & Prayer Service

So much word today, the word was about keeping a sweet spirit to maintain the anointing and receive favor. I spoke again complaining and lack of contentment. I encouraged members not to murmur as that was the reason why some of the Israelites missed the promise land.

After the word I put a chair in the centre and let all of us pray for the Holy Spirit to anoint it.
There was awesome anointing! Only one person who sat on it didn't fall under the power.
We had several prophecies and one woman received the gift of prophecy and prophecied for the first time.
Some who sat on the chair too manifested demons immediately and they were delivered.
Today, I didn't lay hands but the anointing was so much.
The Wednesday service is always like that, teaching, lots of anointing, prayer and deliverance but the Saturday meetings are silly for deliverance and healing.

We had many deliverances. Manifestation of witchcraft spirit, shrine and others. The first one sought to bring death, the too was an attack from a shrine. We saw witchcraft manifest for somebody in Europe when I was praying for the request on the message bearer.
These were powerful deliverances that the Lord did.

It was difficult for us to close be aide of awesome presence and prophecies that kept happening.

Lord you are good!

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There was a strong deliverance today. As I prayed for people demons manifested and were cast out.
There was a spectacular manifestation of many demons in one person that had been with her since her infancy at age 5. They destroyed her first marriage, ruined her traveling opportunity and messed up her business. Other revelations came out but they would not be mentioned, one by one they came out mentioning their names demon of destruction, spiritual marriage, lies etc, but they were many and time was up.
The Lord had been training me secretly and I just had to switch to one strategy and all of them vamoose!

Those of you that it seems as if it is almost impossible for you to marry and your education and traveling opportunities have been messed up, don't think that it is nothing! There are things involved here. With this person the demon arranged a false relationship to break her marriage.

I wanted to do some demonstration but time would not permit oh! That is reserved for Wednesday! It would be demonstration of the spirit! Don't forget our Alnight this Friday, it's a deliverance and healing Alnight; the last one of the year.

The Word
Indeed we have been blessed today!
The word was powerful; it was about prayer & fasting. The old tools that Daniel, Elijah, and even Jesus and Paul used. They always generate results! The scripture was Daniel chapter 9:1-3, 10:12 -13,

Daniel never stopped praying and fasting till he got results and would have stopped at day 36 if that was when the angel will arrive. But we fast and give up when we have seen no results.

Joel 2:28-32 tells that the spirit will be poured on those who call on him, not on those watching movies and always eating without attending to their spiritual condition.

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In the Wednesday service and leaders watchnight, there was so much anointing I couldn't believe what was happening.
I am beginning think that the anointing resting in us is not the whole truth but that the Holy Spirit Himself comes to do His work.
I saw the anointing grip a woman and she was just prophesying and worshiping God.
When I prophesied it was detailed and everybody confirmed that it was true. BUT I DISCOVERED THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS IN OUR MIDST DOING HIS OWN THING.
All I had to do was say that 'sister the Lord is going to do this in you now', I didn't have to touch them it will happen.
In other meetings I had initiated the move but with this one, the Holy Spirit told me what he was going to do per time.
Leaders saw for the first time the future of Dominion Centre and they were amazed.
Prophecies and visions of individual leaders of what twenty fifteen will be for them was revealed and conditions well stated.
I saw a vision about a leader and she had her hand on her tigh, I was enquiring as to the meaning of this vision then it came to me that the Lord wanted her to make a pledge to him. I made her put her hand on her tigh, then I saw that it had become like the tigh of the Lord (in the vision). She fell from her chair and froze for a while under the anointing and fell into a trance! She got up telling us the many visions she saw. The following morning she came telling us more visions of the future.
Leaders saw visions and it was so authentic as if it was real life. As for me the presence of God was so abundant on me. Some leaders didn't want us to close!
A leader prophesied and said, 'madam I see a demon in you the Lord will pull you out and cast it! Then we watched as the anointing moved the woman from where she was, turn her around while she manifested and dropped, receiving her deliverance.
God has done more than I hoped for this year. He has taken me to levels, I can't wait to enter the new year and see even see the end; one thing am certain of, IT WILL BE GLORIOUS!

Twenty fifteen Dominion Centre will be bigger, we shall have more branches, we shall evangelize a lot with our crusade team, OUR YEAR OF EVANGELISM.

Get ready to hear ear shuttering testimonies.

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Papa Claus good-morning
Do you know the one you are talking to? I said yes madam yet she mentioned her name again.
I GOT A JOB! I could feel her infectious happiness at the end of the line.

This was a woman who attended Dominion Centre only three times, she had the opportunity of going through deliverance.
While praying for the others I almost skipped her and close. Then I called her and laid hands on her. She began shaking almost immediately.
I saw that this was more than I thought, as I prayed more demons confessed and came out. Demon of destruction, unclean spirits and a whole lot.
One story in the demonic confession was that they had planned that she will not be successful in her work and had created problems in her marriage too. They even arranged a date for her to get her out of the marriage!

When demons control people they, might think that they are doing it by their own volition.
In a few moments I got to know a great deal about this person.
Nevertheless, some of the demons didn't want to come out so I had to change strategy and switch gears and so they left. I almost punch her forehead when she tore the pocket side of my favorite shirt! She was crying while we narrated everything to her; during deliverance people under strong demonic influences don't know where they are. She confirmed everything.

The following Saturday when she came for the miracle service she was glowing and telling me that she used to feel very sad almost everyday but now a great weight has been lifted and those emotional turmoils have left her.
You should see her pray in the Alnight! Charged up!
And this morning she calls telling me she has got job after many years of fruitless attempts.
Deliverance brings miracles! The breaking if certain curses and deliverance from demons can open doors that were once closed.

Visit us in January and see what the Lord will do in your life. We don't charge anything or sell anything, it's just prayer!!

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WHAT A LOVELY TESTIMONY that was told at the 19th December Alnight. <[29/12/14]>

She came late but stood beside me quietly and said, 'papa Claus, have they finished telling the testimonies?' . I replied happily, 'yes!' hahaha. I was enjoying the disappointment on her face, I can be crude sometimes!

Then just before I prophesied - yes at the Alnight I prophesied to more than 30 people and prayed for them- I called her to testify.

There was a woman in our area. A rich woman who returned from the states and lived alone in her flat. She had bumps all over her body and blisters too. It was a pity sight to watch her scratch her body.
She had been to UK to have the doctors check her blood, very renowned hospitals, they saw nothing and therefore could make no prescriptions. She came to Ghana and went to several Herbalists, she even had a prophet who often came to pray for her in her house.
The doctors in Ghana gave her plenty medicines and injected her but not much happened.
My mom works for her so I asked to tell the woman I have a pastor who can help her.
I called papa Claus but he couldn't make the first time, one night it was tough for this woman so I called him again. He came and prayed for her and came for the second time.
The following day I went to her and asked the woman, 'Ma, how are you?' she replied she slept well. I went there the second day and she said, 'i slept very very well and everything is vanishing'. and the third and fourth day it was all gone!
She has not been going to church for a while because of the sickness but this time she went to church and even travelled to kumasi'.

I recorded this testimony myself! It's so beautiful! God did it, not me, I can't even create a mosquito if you like ask Mopo!
If you want confirmation I shall give you a name, Tina Sey should I reveal your identity? seee ya!

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