Today was a celebration day for me. The baby I am holding in my hands is that of the woman I have been talking about. The first day I laid hands on her she manifested a witchcraft spirit, and it said ‘I won’t let her give birth, she is my daughter but I wont let her give birth’. But she was delivered from that spirit... I think the time for delivery had passed and she went to deliver but when the baby was about to come, the womb shut. The doctors might have been scared seeing what happened because they complained they haven’t seen such a thing before. They didn’t even try a caesarian session but sent her home. Her husband been angry said I had made the demon angry so he won’t let her come to service anymore. Thanks be onto God that after imprisoning her for about three weeks without any solution he released her to come. I laid hands on her again and I saw her slain in the spirit for a short period and when I returned on the fourth day she hand given birth to a handsome baby boy.
She laid the baby in my arms today as if it was my child and I made some powerful declarations over the baby. The way the babies are beautiful these days if we don’t take time we shall give birth like ducks; born plenty because they are beautiful to behold, they grow very fast and are computer savvy too.
A woman showed up today and while I ministered I saw her crawl with her buttocks on the ground, a demonic manifestation. We saw that the problem had to be with the hair, we un-plait the hair and prayed for her. She was delivered instantly.
Mighty things are happening at DOMINION CENTRE, pokuase.
You have to come to our alnight this 21st Nov, Friday because there is going to be awesome miracles, the spirit of God spoke to my heart and said, ‘this is just the beginning’.
Come and partake of the miracles too. You are welcome