Having learnt my lesson from the last demon i cast out from the young lady, i kick start the Alnight with two balls of kenkey and an hour sleep that left me refreshed for the work ahead.

I Thank God for the Night of Bliss, an awesome Alnight that happened on twenty fourth of October.
The attendance stunned me judging from the fact that it was our first-ever Alnight.

Sylvia and Matilda led a powerful worship. Seer Rees too Led a very powerful intercession. The people were Hungary for prayers and they prayed. Indeed Rees is a gifted intercessor judging from how he led it powerfully.

Then I came in to share the word of God and entered into my favorite session, the anointing, prophetic, and deliverance.
The anointing was present for people fell under the power without been touched; there was an overdose of anointing. What can I say to give an idea of the kind of anointing we were dealing with? A little girl when I laid hands on saw Jesus and angels and stated shouting, she didn't want to look and instantly received the HolyGhost baptism. Laying hands on three youths simultaneously, they went down like poles as the power of God knocked them down! This was a common phenomenon in this meeting.

Seven people received the HolyGhost Baptism and spoke in tongues.
There was quite a number of demonic manifestations and they were cast out; they left us tired! Eve did a wonderful job of usher thereby minimizing the strain and Tierdness one goes in expelling demons and witchcraft spirits. I knew Rees loves casting out but tonight I saw that he was suffering over-casting because he was taking breaks from time to time. I think one of the anointing on me is deliverance and when I minister it forces evil spirits to manifest and believe even a pregnant woman who is demonized as it was at this Alnight had the strength of ten strong men. But we expel them because it is our job.

Indeed it was a night of Bliss! This is a faint pictured I have painted comparing it to what happened.

The next Alnight is 21st Nov.
Come some and receive your miracle, stay Blessed!!