For lack of knowledge my people perish Hosea 4:6

Knowledge is power!
How many times have we prayed and prayed and that attack still exists? Plenty.
You may have the anointing but if you lack knowledge it will be difficult to deal with that attack.
The devil wins often because believers often don't know what to do.
Some pastors too don't know what they are dealing with. How can you heal a sickness you have know idea that it is there?

1. If you have attacks find out the Spirit you are dealing with. The way we drive out demons is different from how human spirits under control of evil spirits are handled.
What are you dealing with? A marine spirit or witch or demon or human spirit.

2. Answer this question, on what grounds is it using to afflict you? A sin in your life or previous association with the occult?
The devil doesn't just come. After dealing with a few case I know that there is a spiritual door we open for them. You have to discover it a close it.
Do this by asking the Lord to forgive you and close the door. Don't go back to that life again.

3. Rebuke the evil spirit loudly in the name of Jesus. Do it everyday! Use the blood of Jesus. Quote scriptures.

4. Let somebody who knows about things like these pray with you. They are more effective than some who doesn't have this as their ministry.

5. Anoint your house everyday. Pray over your food.

6. Remove anything in your life that attracts evil spirits. Some people the hair on their heads are carrying demons. I have learned that you can't bless anything that belongs to Satan and make it yours. You can't bless a goat and hope it becomes a sheep.
Pornography, certain amulets, songs and CDs, tele-novellas and horror movies attract demons.
Certain friends bring demons, they carry negative energy.

7. Be always on fire. A prayerful and anointed persons makes it hard for demons to operate.

If you follow these steps, with the help of God you will be delivered.