Today’s service begun with more prayers and worship and it lasted for about 1hour. Then we switched on to the word using the scripture 1 John 5:18.
The bottom line of the message was that if witches and demons are able to afflict a person it is because of the sin in that person’s life. Again, if we cast demons out and they return it is because the person’s fire is low and there is also sin. When the enemy has nothing in you or you don’t owe the person anything, that person cannot sue you. The evil one cannot touch you when you have no sin.
We prayed and made declarations and the place was charged with heavy prayer. The Holy Spirit really anointed our prayers.
The sick woman who was delivered
I ask those sick to come forward to be prayed for and one with pain in the leg came forward. It wasnt long when I discerned that she was been harassed by a spirit. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit hit her, it was a witch who hated the woman and wanted to kill her. The witch through the person under the deliverance said, she stole her sandals and took it to a fetish house. They want to hurt her so that they amputate the leg and the husband will live her because of that.
While we prayed she run away and they brought her back crying. Some demons are stubborn but more information was extracted and after sometime the spirit was cast out.
Let’s be careful because there are people who will actually steal anything on you just so they can take it to a fetish to ‘juju’ you.
The woman under death threat
When I caught her the spirit shouted ‘I will kill her!’ This spirit said the woman has stolen her lover and married him so she will kill the woman. She confessed that she stole the woman’s favorite trousers and took it to a fetish priest but they could not succeed in killing her. All that this witch wants is to take the man from the woman; the witch had a child for the woman’s husband.
Something funny happened, the spirit was speaking Ga and I couldnt understand most of it or ask questions properly. so i commanded the spirit to speak twi and it spoke but very annoyed i was forcing it to spake another language. I told the spirit she wasnt beautiful and you should see how it was trying to flex and pose beauty. People were enjoying themselves because it was interesting to watch. Thank God she was delivered.
I interviewed the woman after the prayers and it was apparent that she wasn’t aware what was going on during her deliverance. But she said she hanged her trouser on a line and it was stolen. I cautioned her to be careful because a jealous woman with child for her husband is after her life.
There are really wicked people living around us and we have to be careful. There were other deliverances but time was not on our side so I had to close the meeting which started at 5pm and closed about 8pm.
What as service! So much deliverance anointing!
Don’t forget our Saturday meetings which commences at 10am and closes at 2pm.
Thank you Holy Spirit!
Your level will change!