As I waded through the stream I wondered what the Lord had in store for me, mopo.

I thank God I was obedient that day because even though it was raining, I went to preach
The first news was waiting for me; the pregnant woman I prayed for, a manifesting witch said she would not allow her to deliver. When she went to the hospital and while her womb opened for the baby to come out the doctors saw her cervix close again right before their eyes. They must have been scared because they sent her packing saying they’ve never seen such a phenomenon before. Her husband said he wouldn’t allow his wife to come to our meetings again because we had activated the demons, we made the demons angry he said. For about two weeks he restrained her from coming. Though I prayed for her whenever I prayed, I never tried to visit her, I didn’t want an attack from anybody. Then just last week Saturday, the woman came to our meeting again. I laid hands and pray, ‘in the name of Jesus, you will not be ashamed, I declare you will not be disgraced’. I prophesied and declared while ushers supported this woman with a protruding stomach which must have reached ten months already. She fell but I made them steady her, the power of God hit her and she slumped into a plastic chair, I was on her like a terrier praying. Then I declared that in some few hours she will go to the hospital and deliver. Four days later I reached there and they tell me with smiles on their faces, ‘prophet, the pregnant woman ou prayed for has delivered’. The people there call me prophet ooo mopo, and other places too am called evangelist, two honorable names all for one person, me. I couldn’t contain my joy. Glory

Today’s meeting didn’t have lots of people like the previous ones because it had rained and the outside was chilling, the people didn’t expect to see me. Some of them frowned but I didn’t care. I was obeying the Lord and that was the most important thing. The Lord spoke to me telling me that he was going to work miracles in their lives. As we prayed more people came. I preached about faithfulness, from 1 Samuel 2 verse 35. Most people won’t preach when it rain, even my leaders planned not to hold the meetings but they planned to eat. The message was like a pastor’s pineapple, pinching them and I saw their frowned faces, I didn’t care as long as I was obeying the Lord. But when I closed the service and asked that anybody who wants the anointing should touch those on my palms, all of them pounced on me mopo, hmm ey3 as3m ooo.

Then I felt a very strong anointing to bless cloths. I wanted to tell them to bring handkerchiefs in the Saturday meeting, but still the anointing was there for that moment so, finally I said if you have a handkerchief or cloth bring it out and am going to pray over them. Some used their blouses others their cloth and still some used their shirts. When they lifted it up a bit, the anointing was in action people couldn’t contain the power of the Holy Spirit. As I saw visions of people with wedding rings been put on their fingers, some receiving babies, etc. as I prayed and prophesied.

Then a man I have never seen before came to join the service. Instantly, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart that he drinks and before I could get close to him I smelt alcohol. In short we prayed for him but not after we had let him confessed Jesus as his savior and Lord. The Lord said he was going to deliver him from the demon of drunkenness and I told the people. In no time the power of God hit the drunk for he couldn’t stand the anointing. People were ushering him as I cast the demon out, I won’t bother to mention the number of demons mopo, because know you won’t believe me. He somersaulted and fel and he was speaking ewe, ‘I feel like falling, something is trying to make me fall’. He couldn’t steady himself. While praying for him I looked into his eyes and they were red and were focused straight at me, I stepped a little, demons can be unpredictable and strong and my alarming bells of violence were sounding already.
When the demons were coming out, the ushers couldn’t stand the smell that came out of him. They came out with great smell. I prophesied over him that the people should watch him in the area; he cannot sip an alcohol without vomiting henceforth. I shall keep you updated on this man.
There was all manner of deliverance yesterday evening, a demon manifested as cat and meowed and it was scary to watch.
But l learnt some few lessons which I want to point out here;
People got infected with demons when they read romantic books. These were demons of masturbation, fornication, adultery and etc. The result was that they slept with men anyhow and the demons in demon attracted men to sleep with them.

I saw Holy Ghost filled tongue talkers manifest demons. As a matter of fact while casting a demon out the person tried to speak in tongues then the Holy Spirit warned me, ‘that is false tongues’. The moment I said, you lying spirit that is false tongues’, the demon stopped and started laughing. It wanted to trick me to make me think it was gone. You can’t live anyhow just because you have Holy Ghost baptism. Lord has mercy.
I also saw that demons of fornication helped some of the ladies but destroyed them in other areas. For instance, a sister was using hers to sleep and take money from men, and used the money to educate herself. But I know that it will cause her to have the problem of marriage.
I will cut my story short here. Soon my book on deliverance will be published and I shall show how witches and wizards, fetish or demonic groves and certain demons ruin the life of people.

Some people have unusual libido, and don’t care sleeping with many men. It’s demonic.
Please find somebody who will have time for you and pray with you and it will shock you that you will marry in no time, that financial hardship will be broken and you will be free from poverty, the benefits are endless.
Stay blessed.

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