The alnight was dubbed ‘night of anointing’ and I can say it really lived up to this theme.

Lots of people attended the alnight. We have a couple who went to the school premises to wait for about an hour before the service begun. The man himself was not impressed with my physical appearance the first day I met him. When he was invited to my service, he showed a superior face but I watched his attitude transform quickly when two people manifested a witchcraft and a demon and the fallings spooked him, so many people falling under the anointing. All of a sudden he became serious and prayed loudly, was he afraid at all? His attitude changed and now he and his wife waited for about an hour, wow, God is good. At the alnight I watched him and he absorbed every prayer and received every prophecy with seriousness. He has seen if he is serious, he could be blessed.

I wanted to relinquish the MC to another person but I felt led to ‘manage the anointing’. And it was so that the service flowed and the anointing experienced was far more than the previous alnight; the evidence was there, prophetic, deliverance, anointing the members etc.

One thing I have learnt is that ‘structure’ kills the anointing. When you have set certain period of time for the Holy Spirit he might want to move at his own opportune time (people cut him off at this time) but we limit him and give him another time and so the anointing dies. Though I set time, yet it is very flexible. That is how I ‘managed’ the anointing this service. Even when we had closed, members did not want to go because they wanted more impartation and I understand, my friends who attended the alnight for the first time said, they didn’t feel sleepy after we had closed; in their previous alnight it wasn’t so.
There was serious anointed prayers, deliverance and heavy personal prophecies from me, Seer Rees, Prophet Emma, also Yawa le and Matilda led a very powerful worship.

Below is a summary of testimonies;
1. The lady with 3years of migraine who had visited several physicians came to testify.
2. A mother testified of a change in the child behavior after prayers in the in the Saturday miracle service.
3. A woman testified of an accommodation problem and how the Lord provided them with a wonderful place
4. Another woman testified of a challenge in marriage and when she was prayed and delivered saw a change.
5. A man with back pain or spinal problem with other sicknesses testified of God’s healing and how his financial life has received transformation.
6. Another lady testified of how through deliverance, she has overcome several problems and was also thankful for the watchful eye she was under.
7. Etc etc

During deliverance, a lady manifested a spirit that came on her because of her mother’s continuous curses. The name of the spirit itself was chilling however, she was delivered.

Another person manifested the attack of witchcraft and how the spirit was annoyed because of the alnight. It was funny to see all the insults and the theatrics. After all the difficulty, she was delivered.
Demonic manifestations were many and the Lord delivered a lot.
There was strong prophetic with deliverance.
If you miss our alnights you have greatly loosed.

In our alnights, we pray for the sick, cast out devils and so on. We never try to improve on the methods of Jesus. Jesus is the foundation and we do it like the way Jesus did it, we will always cast out devils and people will always fall under the anointing, we prophecy and pray for the sick.
Dominion Centre is a deliverance, healing and prophetic ministry. We pray and pray and pray until the Lord hears us.

In 2015, it is going to be awesome. Judging from the prophecies that have come, next year will be too much. There is one thing that am sure of, members will increase at an astronomical rate.
The last alnight is Friday 19th December come and see what the Lord is doing.

Your level have change!