As far as am concerned deliverance is synonymous to healing. Do a little research and you will see it is same with Jesus ministry. Demons are cast out and sicknesses stop!
In Luke 11:14, a dumb person spoke after Jesus cast out an evil spirit.

Just yesterday I cast my mind back to some healings that has gone unnoticed or properly stated not given attention to. I realized that there has been quite a number of healings.

A healing I recollect is when I prophesied and prayed for a lady who had an ear problem at EEPNET, she had been to the hospital and the doctor told her they have found nothing with the ear. When I prayed with her and closed the program, she came to me and said my ear has started responding. I put fingers in there and prayed some more, I haven't met her since.

At the Second Meeting, while on the way to DC the Lord spoke to me about a person with a backpain / Spinal cord problem. When I started the service that day, I called out to anyone with a back pain and only one person came out, a man. While we prayed, he acted as if somebody was hurting his back but after prayers he said the pain has left and now he is back to work.

Another lady with with an acute abdominal pain was delivered and received healing in the process.

The latest healing was another chronic migrain for years which the lady found healing at DC. I told the story here.

I enquired for more healing testimonies and this one cropped up: a swollen feet that kept getting bigger but when she was prayed for she is also free. More testimonies we have let go without asking for them but this time we are documenting all and expecting ear shuttering ones! My God is big!!!

One could say that these are not much but for those who had these problems, it was a big issue for them. Am taking advantage of this to pray for sick people and get ready to have your ears filled with testimonies. Especially in today's meeting and the 21st Nov alnight I shall pray for anyone who is sick. We are believing God for massive healings this year. Instead of going to hospital and paying large sums of money come to our meetings and let God touch you. I believe he will if you come, 'I am the God that healeth thee'.

At Dominion Centre as we deliver people they get healed too, because, some of the diseases are caused by evil spirits and once it is driven out the sickness stops. Even if the sickness is not by a spirit Jesus can still heal you. That family member or child or friend who is sick should be brought to DC and the Lord will heal.
I can't heal but Jesus can and we know he is here and not only is he healing people but changing lives.

BE HEALED IN JESUS NAME!! Type a big AMEN if believe the Lord will do it!!
Am waiting for you.

Stay blessed!!

Your level will change!