Mopo, I received a prophecy from one of the sisters that this meeting was going to be very powerful and so on this particular day it was. The service started at 10am and continued to 2pm because of the massive deliverance that the Lord brought to his people. After closing from my friend’s alnight I continued straight to DOMINION CENTRE, Pokuase – Odumase where all the miracles happen. Whenever I alight from a vehicle on this land a song plays in my heart.
In this month we are learning about how to identify and stop the works of evil spirits in the life of the believer. And so I preached a sermon using John 10; 10 stressing on the three fold activity of the devil on people, stealing, killing and destroying. God’s word made us to understand that whether you pretend that the devil is there or not he has this mission towards you.
Among the many things that happened I can elaborate on a few deliverance.

The first deliverance was this woman who had challenges in her marriage. It happened that it is ‘a family thing’ that when the women marry they return to their parents again and don’t return to their marital homes. This woman was facing challenges too. When the anointing hit her the evil spirit confessed how they were planning to ruin her marriage all this time. It was a tough time as we cast that demon out to save the family. Some curses too had to be broken because it was in her family line.
I know that after this deliverance, the marriage will begin to take a positive change because the destroyer has been driven out with its curses and plans. Glory to God.

After been in deliverance for a while I have learned this lesson that almost in every family in Ghana there is a trend of the evil one, some families cannot marry at all and the best they can do is to give birth outside marriage, other families cannot attain higher education status, some too face extreme poverty and some also are victims of polygamy. If you have some of these trends in your family come for prayers and God will set you free. Dominion Centre is not far from you, we are waiting for you.

When the Spirit of God asked me to call out and pray for the young girl I was wondering what could be the issue with her. I like to focus and pray for the adults, they have more serious issues. The prophecy that came out was that she had a great destiny and she would travel and live in the united states for some time but there was also a planned teenage pregnancy waiting to abort this destiny. When hands were laid on her she manifested a stubborn spirit but at the end of the day she was delivered.
I counsel people who come to meetings that the fact that you are delivered doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come again. You have to come to services frequently to stay under the watchful eye of the prophet and also pray a lot to enforce the prophecies in to happen.

While in the meeting the spirit of God ministered to me that somebody was drunk but the person has a great future and he will make her a direct opposite of what he is now, great life. A prophetess among us prophesied that he will preach the word of God; this was a very grown man.
When we called the man for prayers he resisted but we forced him out, I knew it was an evil spirit that was making him do so. When he was prayed for and the evil spirit left, he broke down in tears before his wife and the congregation. It was very touching as his wife cleaned his tears while we watched.

More revelation concerning this man will come up as we meet. I know that the Lord will reveal the source and everything about him. There wasn’t much time, it was getting too late and time was far spent so we closed. Nevertheless there are other manifestations that happened that I have not touched on here.
On this day we had a new person visit as to see the great work that the Lord is doing. He was happy you have to come too and you will be blessed, I am hoping to see you soon.

More updates will come to you from our meetings.

Your level will change!

Stay blessed