Anointing And Deliverance
I went to do some jobs today before getting to Dominion Centre for the Wednesday Teaching and prayer service.
I preached a lengthy sermon today because I know that the word brings deliverance. My members enjoyed my message as they always have because they say am funny and plus it's free entertainment.

The Sermon; Lessons
Numbers 32
Some people quit their journey to the promised land when they find a Parker by the road side; some people quit God's plan for them when they have a juicy opportunity.
God was angry with the Israelites for this behavior and didn't allow them into the promised land.
Another lesson is that our lives are example to others. Ever since i started this ministry some friends of mine suddenly decide to obey God and start theirs, perhaps it's Because of the quick growth we are enjoying. Myself there are certain young men on Facebook I follow after, they really inspire me.

Finally I talked about dressing well. I sited the fact that a teacher who was lynched because his dressing wasn't good. When somebody shouted thief! Every body looked at the one with the shabby dressing and gave him slaps. Where I heard this story I don't remember and whether it is true I don't know but, all I know is that my members laughed their hearts out. They couldn't believe what they were hearing, I suppose some of them would be saying in their head that the story is a pastoral toli! Well it served it's purpose anyway! Hia!

The Anointing
We did worship and I prayed for all the adults and children. Then the Spirit of the Lord said he was releasing people from financial hardship and the anointing broke loose and people fell. I struggled to usher some with my smallish but cute and tantalizing body. Hia!

I made them spoke in tongues to charge it and anointing was something else. Some members who were like the solid rock of Gibraltar who never fell no matter how the anointing was found themselves taken down.

This particular woman I know has some trouble in the spirit but I couldn't get it out, on this day the demon manifested and was cast out. There were a number of cases like that, then when I say 'I command you spirit to leave her with a shout! The person falls with a shout and the evil spirit comes out. Some of them the demons will say 'I am going,I am going !' but it is azan! They are hiding there still but thanks to the spirit of discernment by which I know the evil is lying then I take another swype at the evil spirit and oya! It is gone!! Hallelujah!!

On this day I had certain spectacular manifestation of the spirit from under the sea that provides human hair. It sung 'rastas man throw one stone' to me, and warned me 'hey man watch ya self'. Tweaaaa!!
Full story would be told in the part three of my series HOW TO SPOT DEMONIC ACTIVITIES IN YOUR LIFE.
where does some of the hairs come from? What accompanies it and what does that thing do to you?

Another manifestation of a wizard who complained has been whipped and even mentioned the church he attends, hmmm.

In Another manifestation of a wizard, I seized it's power in the name of Jesus. He talked about the circumstances that led to his initiation and I asked why he doesn't want to be born-again etc.

Hmmm I am learning many things but it's a bit scary don't you think so? Pray for me wai.
This ministry Requires lots of Holiness, fasting and prayers.
My former big buttocks and belly have reduced drastically in size. I have exchanged it for anointing.

HAllelujah! When I prayed for God to open their eyes most people saw visions as I requested; faces of those doing them were shown to them.

Thank you Jesus please keep watching over me!!!!!!

Your level has changed!!!