Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
Eph 4:8

I have seen that deliverance is popular in a few circles. It is popular for those who needs the gift. There are some people who will not be free till they meet the deliverance minister. Some people finds this topic too unpalatable and sensitive to their liking.

Deliverance ministry is a gift
I remember after I had watched and read the book of a deliverance minister, unknowingly I was catching the anointing. It wasn't long when I was praying then demons will manifest without me intentionally provoking them. I didn't like it at first because of my Christian background but when I saw the help it brought I changed quite radically.

Yesterday I decided to bless some few people through impartation, I prayed for the first person but when I was blessing the second person a demon manifested and started revealing secrets. Secrets that show what the person have been going through, after learning from the horse own mouth I cast it out. The information serves many purposes, I shall expatiate on this in the next part and prove it's scriptural.

Deliverance ministry is an anointing from the Holy Spirit.
Many ministers frown at this anointing, to them demons does not exist. But they are not God and the Holy Spirit has diverse gifts.
Today I got a revelation about a person who they have cast a spell on through juju, 'yatunu adro' as we call it. When I got there even kneeling for prayer wasnt possible for him. He could only sit but after prayer he got up and stretched his arms and legs and walked about the room. Ears have opened, sharp abdominal pains just left, serious migraine and eye problems disappear, queer behavior stops, the list is endless.

Not easy to be a deliverance minister
You will have to fast several days a week and pray several hours a day. Unlike certain ministries where pastors could be eating their turkey all the time. The deliverance minister needs all the anointing he can get.

I don't know but I doubt a person can be a deliverance minister without been a prophet. Some of the demons manifests and pretend they are gone and person lies still, how do you know except by the prophets vision and discernment? When the demon escapes my vision the anointing will reveal it. The anointing stairs around my legs, I figure out spirit of lust easily and the like.

The Need for Deliverance
There is a canker that exist only to the eye of the deliverance minister. Today I heard that a famous minister told his people that there is nothing like spiritual marriage. Surely either that bigwig minister is fighting the deliverance ministry or he has never cast a demon before.
Why do fellow ministers attack other ministries?
If you work with your gift well you will not have to poison peoples minds about certain ministries. The type of ministry doesn't matter but it is the blessing of God that makes the difference. Today prophets can't be friends with teachers and teachers can't Br friends with deliverance ministers, the devil is at the center of it!

There are many spiritual marriage cases I have dealt with personally; many ancestral curses from sacrifices and curses and spells. The power of witchcraft and the occult and human spirits destroying people everyday!

It is after I have been in this ministry for a while before I saw that people did all sort of terrible things with their bodies, that person you admire so much carry 25 demons or so and when you marry her it's only a matter of time that your business collapses and the marriage breaks down whole the children become vagabonds.
Don't tell me this is not true because of your doctrines, that you don't believe it doesn't mean it is not there! As a matter of fact whether you believe it or not it is immaterial.

Every gift is important! The prophetic can deal with deliverance and so is teachers but none of them can do justice to it like those called, gifted and anointed for it. For while you do it blindly, I know the demon and what it is doing and how to get it out and many more. Just been closer to you my antennas a picking up demons already and when they talk silently I hear them and they know I do but you don't know. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and everyday he teaches me more about my trade and tells mr to share only on that. Those who need it and are wise will receive help!

If you have terrible dreams and spirits sleep with you and you are getting sick everyday, you stay there without seeking help! Go ahead and be fanciful with it!
Deliverance depends on the Lord and you have to be patient, if the person was called for it the Lord will use him to help you.

To be continued

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