Awesome Moment With The Holy Spirit
This Wednesday night meeting was awesome. It started at 4pm and ended at 7pm. I remember I got up to lead prayers and we prayed for about an hour. I still felt we should pray more so we continued. There was so much anointing in the prayers because the Holy Spirit anointed the prayers. One of the things I have learnt in ministry is never to put structure on the move of the Spirit, it cuts off the anointing. And this sound principle was the foundation of the anointing that happened in the latter part of the service.
One of the sisters was asked to lead us in worship and I prayed for a few people and exhorted them to pray in the spirit. I saw in a vision one of the ladies prophesy so while in the worship I called her and she prophesied. The anointing was on her mightily and we took advantage to pray for the sick and it was a great moment to see as people fell under the anointing. People dropped on the ground unannounced. Prophecies were all over the place and there was shouting as most people were overwhelmed by the power of God. It is good to know how to supervise the anointing so that it doesn’t cut off. I called a lady to share a word for few minutes and three minutes into what she was saying, the anointing came upon her and she somersaulted and started prophesying and then to every individual with names.
I lifted the small girl who I was told had fainted the previous day; I did as I have seen in the vision and prayed for her. Then I went to the children and two at a go dropped under the anointing. I just have to touch the other one too was gone, slain in the spirit.
I saw that the anointing was on a lady, so I touched her and the power so drenched her that she lost her self consciousness and begun to sing, ‘anointing fall on me’. Do you know who this person was? The young lady who had given me trouble in the deliverance! Now she has received the Holy Ghost baptism and the power God is upon her mightily.
A woman manifested a demon and I wasted no time in casting it out. On this night the deliverance was powerful, a stepmother bewitching a step daughter was revealed and the witchcraft cast out, demon of fornication and lust 25 in all was cast out, a demon that lurked in someone’s hair when it was discovered and been cast out, sung ‘jah rasta farai, jah is great’ – the demon refused to go until we un-plaited the hair!
I remember a lady asked me, ‘now what should we do?’ she asked this question because ladies are attracting and been demonized from putting strange hair and doing strange hair styles. But I live these deliverance stories to my deliverance story and lessons I have been teaching, just follow my posts and you will read about the full details of these manifestations.
We didn’t want to close, the power was so much but we did. Some of the deliverance I postponed to this impending Saturday meeting 10am to 2pm at Dominion Centre, Odumase, it will be awesome! Come and hear secrets of how people are been harmed spiritually and learn! submit yourself for deliverance if you are having challenges! We don’t charge money, freely have you received freely should you give!
Thank you Jesus!
Stay blessed!
Your level has change!