In the Wednesday service and leaders watchnight, there was so much anointing I
couldn't believe what was happening.
I am beginning think that the anointing resting in us is not the whole truth but that the Holy Spirit Himself comes to do His work.
I saw the anointing grip a woman and she was just prophesying and worshiping God.
When I prophesied it was detailed and everybody confirmed that it was true. BUT I DISCOVERED THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS IN OUR MIDST DOING HIS OWN THING.
All I had to do was say that 'sister the Lord is going to do this in you now', I didn't have to touch them it will happen.
In other meetings I had initiated the move but with this one, the Holy Spirit told me what he was going to do per time.
Leaders saw for the first time the future of Dominion Centre and they were amazed.
Prophecies and visions of individual leaders of what twenty fifteen will be for them was revealed and conditions well stated.
I saw a vision about a leader and she had her hand on her tigh, I was enquiring as to the meaning of this vision then it came to me that the Lord wanted her to make a pledge to him. I made her put her hand on her tigh, then I saw that it had become like the tigh of the Lord (in the vision). She fell from her chair and froze for a while under the anointing and fell into a trance! She got up telling us the many visions she saw. The following morning she came telling us more visions of the future.
Leaders saw visions and it was so authentic as if it was real life. As for me the presence of God was so abundant on me. Some leaders didn't want us to close!
A leader prophesied and said, 'madam I see a demon in you the Lord will pull you out and cast it! Then we watched as the anointing moved the woman from where she was, turn her around while she manifested and dropped, receiving her deliverance.
God has done more than I hoped for this year. He has taken me to levels, I can't wait to enter the new year and see even see the end; one thing am certain of, IT WILL BE GLORIOUS!
Twenty fifteen Dominion Centre will be bigger, we shall have more branches, we shall evangelize a lot with our crusade team, OUR YEAR OF EVANGELISM.
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I am beginning think that the anointing resting in us is not the whole truth but that the Holy Spirit Himself comes to do His work.
I saw the anointing grip a woman and she was just prophesying and worshiping God.
When I prophesied it was detailed and everybody confirmed that it was true. BUT I DISCOVERED THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS IN OUR MIDST DOING HIS OWN THING.
All I had to do was say that 'sister the Lord is going to do this in you now', I didn't have to touch them it will happen.
In other meetings I had initiated the move but with this one, the Holy Spirit told me what he was going to do per time.
Leaders saw for the first time the future of Dominion Centre and they were amazed.
Prophecies and visions of individual leaders of what twenty fifteen will be for them was revealed and conditions well stated.
I saw a vision about a leader and she had her hand on her tigh, I was enquiring as to the meaning of this vision then it came to me that the Lord wanted her to make a pledge to him. I made her put her hand on her tigh, then I saw that it had become like the tigh of the Lord (in the vision). She fell from her chair and froze for a while under the anointing and fell into a trance! She got up telling us the many visions she saw. The following morning she came telling us more visions of the future.
Leaders saw visions and it was so authentic as if it was real life. As for me the presence of God was so abundant on me. Some leaders didn't want us to close!
A leader prophesied and said, 'madam I see a demon in you the Lord will pull you out and cast it! Then we watched as the anointing moved the woman from where she was, turn her around while she manifested and dropped, receiving her deliverance.
God has done more than I hoped for this year. He has taken me to levels, I can't wait to enter the new year and see even see the end; one thing am certain of, IT WILL BE GLORIOUS!
Twenty fifteen Dominion Centre will be bigger, we shall have more branches, we shall evangelize a lot with our crusade team, OUR YEAR OF EVANGELISM.
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