When you are called and you are broke because of it and people see you as a lazy person

Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath.
For this reason the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath." Mark 2:27-28

It can be very disturbing when you know you have a calling and you are not able to work because of that. I have seen young preachers embarrassingly broke because they have a calling. This can make you look funny in the eyes of people because they see you as a lazy person; how can a whole MOG not able to fulfill family obligations? The society is not merciful to people like that.

You have to understand that you are Lord of the Sabbath; the Sabbath was made for you and not you for the Sabbath. You come first before your call; if you don’t take care of yourself and you die you will not be able to fulfill it. If that parent loves her child so much that she won’t eat, she will die and leave the child.

The bottom line is that you should be effective with your call 100%. Anything you do that will jeopardize it is not allowed. It is like getting a job that takes all your time even on Sundays so that you don’t have time to go to church or pray anymore. However, if you have a part time job and you close at 12pm and you can still go and pray and do your ministry then it’s perfect! God is not against work. You call can’t support you well for now so you have to do something extra.

You were created for your call, you came as a savior to that problem; Jesus came to earth because he was coming to save mankind. You first and your call second; be respected and loved. By all means fulfill that call but live your life!