this goal I also labor, struggling according to his power that powerfully works
in me. Colossians 1:29
You are a great person. Great sages
have constantly emphasized the fact that everything is within us. Jesus taught
the same ‘the kingdom of God is within you, the Holy Ghost is within you, and
your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit’.
Okay, you have had some
unfortunate situations so this doesn't apply to you right? Wrong. The bible
says let God be true and all men liars! Looking at your circumstances and what
you have done cannot invalidate what God has said concerning his child. The
fact that a man dresses like a woman doesn't make him a woman. You carry God
inside you and therefore you are mighty and you have to do mighty things!
John Maxwell said that people
attempt small things because of their inferiority. Yes you might have not
succeeded and perhaps you have never done some before or don’t know a hoot
about how to do it, yet if you believe in what the bible says you will find
your way around it. You will attempt bigger things in life because God the Holy
Spirit is in you and you are doing all things by his strength. Enough of the
mediocre actions, yours is a worldwide ministry. Jesus said ‘go into the world’
so you are not local. Dream big and follow it up.
Forget about the past but learn
from it. The fact that you are a king doesn't mean you can do anything that you
want, even if God has a limitation, the bible says ‘and God who cannot lie’. Play
by the rules and you will be amazed at what you will do. The bible says he has
made as kings and priest and we are seated in heavenly places in the Lord. Rise
up and live up to the mighty person God made you. You are blessed!
Thanks for reading.