Raise your game

And he raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus’ Ephesians 2:6

In this New Year you have to raise your game. The bible says we sit ‘in heavenly places with Christ Jesus’. In Genesis, God’s plan for man was to rule and dominate the earth. We lost our position through Adam but Jesus restored our position to us through the cross. The bible promises a wonderful people in the end time.  We are for greatness. Yet I see believers follow a mere routine every year.  There is an inferiority complex somewhere, because, when we hold programmes, we prepare for smaller crowds and this characterizes our activities. Instead of us believing God and attempting big things, we are into the ministry of smallness. If you say you really believe that you are in the image of God why not do big things? But you just say but don’t really believe that if you really prepare for it you can achieve it. If an angel from heaven tells you that today’s service will have one million members attending, your faith will rise so much that you will prepare.

I am not proposing a blind action towards big things because such attitude will lead to waste of money and other resources. Instead, let’s get over our fear of failure and rise and prepare and do big things again. Let’s prepare massively, read all the books we can, pray all the prayers we can muster and we shall succeed.

If you fear to go beyond the norm then my friend you have an inferiority complex. To feel inferior implies that you see yourself as too small or incompetent to succeed in your undertaking.  Read this quotes from John Maxwell;
Self-esteem is the single most significant key to a person’s behavior.
It’s impossible to consistently behave in a manner inconsistent with how we see ourselves. We can do very few things in a positive way if we feel negative about ourselves.
Low self-esteem puts a ceiling on our potential.
If your desire is a 10 but your self-esteem is a 5, you’ll never perform at the level of a 10. You perform as a 5 or lower. People are never able to outperform their self-image. The value we place on ourselves is usually the value others place on us. Most people live their lives according to what others believe about them. If the important people in their lives expect them to go nowhere, then that’s what they expect for themselves.

Thanks for reading.