The CHAMPION is born but they don’t know him!

Have you met people who will look down upon what you and make you feel that what you do doesn't count? In their minds they are trying to help you become better or trying to save you from your despicable self. They act omniscient but they forget that no man can define life in its entirety. They may tell you that your gifts are small. These people could be your parents, siblings, friends and etc.
My advice to you is that you are a champion! There have never been a YOU before. YOU are the first and the last on this earth. Others have come, are coming and will come who look will LIKE you but are NOT you.

You are a champion if you rise up to your uniqueness. You are a champion because nobody can imitate you and succeed; when you perform you stand out. Don’t let anybody define your words, works, tastes and etc. in any way. For now you might not be a champion because you’ve not expressed yourself. If you will live the FULLNESS of your life, the world will celebrate you then YOU will be a champion my friend.