19 Things that you need to know that can keep you out of doubt as you serve the Lord

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My Discourse on 2 Timothy

In Second Timothy the young minster was having problems and he was in tears. Paul wrote him this letter to encourage him and to clear every doubt out of his mind.

There are times as a young man you begin to question yourself why you are into ministry.

 ‘What is the point of it all?’ you ask yourself.
 You also get confused as to which way to go and
 you need assurance

This is one that was written by Paul to a beginner and young man Timothy and I find it to be very helpful because it addresses the young man’s questions and encourages him to continue with the work of God. If we don’t trust anybody and sometimes there can be manipulation, this book is free of that.

We need to have faith and maintain faith. This is important because without it we can’t please God. The reason why we can’t please God when we don’t have it is because if he tells us to do anything, we would disobey him because we don’t believe him. Without faith you won’t obey.

We should stay motivated, we should keep burning. We do this by prayer which lets the spirit of fire anoints us to burn. As we pray our anointing is renewed and he inspires as to stay hot for him.
Your ministry was designed long ago before even the world was made. This means that you are not trying to design a ministry but you are merely following a laid down plan for you. You discover to do.
You have been blessed with something unique about your ministry and you have to preserve by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We should share only what has been passed down to us. We are not going to preach our own gospel. In preaching we conform 100%.
‘Endure hardness’. Here it is likened to a soldier; we have to be tough we shall meet tough situations.
If we do it exactly as he wants he will not honor us. Meaning, if we do it anyhow we won’t benefit, anyhow means we are doing cos 90, better we don’t do anything at all.
The Claus Org. www.PeopleBuildCities.BlogSpot.com (Prepared for download)
The principle of reward is that, if we persevere in ministry we will enjoy with the Lord but if we reject him and the ministry he will also reject. If we say it is hard so we quit, he will also quit on us. No choice for us.
The Lord cannot contradict himself, God cannot lie.
We should make an effort be first class in our work; we have to impress God. This is shown especially in the word of God that we share.
We have no business with sin.
In God, there are high ministers and low ministers. Paul tells us to work hard on ourselves so that God can use us for his highest works. It is not anybody that God will assign big places. Are you gold or wood or silver?
We can be gold if we thoroughly cleanse ourselves from mistakes; that pure in everything, first class. We are not permitted to be clumsy in certain areas.
We should not be fake ministers. Fake ministers are those who make us think they are real and use this brand to do their own thing. They should not even be our friends.
All of us have a major and original reason, the first reason why we entered into ministry; we are to remain with that. Keep using it that should serve as our anchor.
We should use the scriptures to make us ‘cunningly devised’; very wise!
We should FULLY ACCOMPLISH our ministry on earth.
Paul wets Timothy’s appetite as to how he has strived and FINISHED his ministry. We have a long way to go, I someday we can also talk like Paul that, ‘I have finished my ministry’.
The Claus Org. www.PeopleBuildCities.BlogSpot.com (Prepared for download)
There is a reward waiting for us if we FINISH our ministry.
I believe all our initial questions can be answered by this second letter to Timothy. It addresses self-doubt and the fact that sometimes we become unsure and ask ourselves, ‘what is the point’. Here, we are encouraged and everything is made bare to us. Am really blessed by this discourse, may the Lord help us