The word of God vs Earthly knowledge

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was fully God John 1:1

The whole world once existed as a thought. A thought is what we think; thoughts are ideas. Frequently the word of God clashes with the normal knowledge. God’s word created everything and has no dispute about its authority because the word itself is Christ. But while the carnal knowledge (knowledge of arts, medicine, rocket, etc.) has not been named as a person, it has a strong place in our lives.
Ahitophel’s counsel was likened to oracles of God, it was very predictive, almost 100%. Look around you, this knowledge of man has built houses, cars, established worldwide organizations. Surely we can’t throw something like that away. The world pays millions to have it, and those who possess it and leverage it well are the better persons in our generation.

Can the WORD do what the carnal knowledge does? The word created the world and everything in it including carnal knowledge.
So what is their place? The WORD is the foreman that uses the laborers (earthly knowledge) to work to achieve its projects. When Christ who is the WORD lives in you, he uses your knowledge; he takes what is in you as in Adam’s body – using his rib – to create.
Can a person use the bible which is the WORD to create a Rocket? Yes, the Spirit of God will have to give that person all the ‘rocket science’. But not everybody has the spiritual capacity to rise to that level. And the easiest way God the WORD uses is what is already in us (what we learned at school and apprenticeship).

What you harvest is based on the kind of knowledge you have in you. Frequently, a non-believer becomes born again and just one miracle and he surpasses the ‘methuselah’s’ in the Church. The Lord uses what is in you.

With some people the knowledge in them is only 10 talents while others, it is only two; the formula for multiplication is this, to him that has more, more will be given and if you have less , less will be given. This principle applies to the newly born and the matured believers without favoritism.

One thing about the earthly knowledge is that it cannot have a purpose by itself except in some few instances, this is why there are non-believers who have achieved a lot with earthly knowledge. But in most cases it lies there without purpose; it is actually a resource like gold, diamond and etc. Therefore, the graduate with Christ idles his time away without creating anything. But when the WORD is introduced into the equation, everything begins to fall into place and the creative process starts to take place.

How do you become a highest achiever? It is by having more and the best of earthly knowledge. If you are a business person learn the latest technique about business related topics. Even being a charter is better because you are the top of your profession. If you are an economist, be a chartered economist. Then go to the foreman – the WORD – and let him instruct you to work! You will be amazed what you will do!

The WORD will not perform by itself alone. The WORD always works with the earthly knowledge. Those who focus on only the WORD except they have the highest spiritual stamina, they become under achievers or, it takes a long time before they achieve something small. This is why all our spiritual leaders are ‘learners’. Though they graduate from university they still learn different things in addition to their bible.  The earthly knowledge is not evil, God created it. Of course there is evil knowledge and that is not the subject of this discourse.