The Secret to Victory in 2014; Have a People Policy

There is a very powerful law in associations and that has the power to multiply the prosperity of a person. That law comes from the scripture that says, ‘one shall chase a 1000 and two shall chase 10,000’ Deut. 32:30.  This law means that, when you join a group, you add extra ninety percent to your abilities and success. Joining a group offers you a 90% additional power.

God himself has blessed 'groupings' hence the success that it generates is a law that is set. As soon as a  group is formed the law takes precedence.

This is clear when you see people in a group sing or do a business together, but as soon as they break up, they both suffer. At most only one prospers when there is separation and the success is not as when they were two or more; the other one collapses completely. Being in a group, your strengths complement each other.

This is a divine law, even when God was creating man in Genesis, he did not do it alone, and He said ‘let US make man’ (1:26). We were never meant to be standing alone. No one can ever stand alone and be successful; you have to be in a group regardless of your position. This is so important that God had to kill is only son to bring the whole world together, what an expensive move! God is the originator of this law!During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit did not descend on a single person but the Spirit had to wait for a group! No matte how anointed you are, you cannot make it alone without people.

‘He that wants to be great among you let him be your servant’ Matt.20:26, this also support the above scripture that our  greatness can only happen when we are in groups and not  just in being a member but serving vigorously.

In 2014, join a group; church, association, a business or form one and work with all that you’ve got. In this New Year follow a people policy. If you’ve been in a group and have been inactive all this while change your attitude. Don’t be lackadaisical; in a group though there is the leader, if you work hard enough more than the leader, you can become more powerful than him or her. It is seen in families where the man who is the head of the family allows the woman to cater for the family. The man loses respect and his power and the woman takes over!

Don’t worry about a position, start from somewhere. Most people want a big post before they will join or work. But when you join a job, no matter where they put you accept and work and you will rise constantly to your deserved level.

I recommend joining small groups too. This will make you a star, you become a celebrity in a small group and you are allowed to work. In no time you build a reputation as one of the best, when the group grows you will have a great position it in.

Have your own agenda within the general agenda of the group. This doesn’t mean you should have conflict of interests, but you set targets and goals for yourself to achieve within the group. This is the key to rising above the others.

Be grateful in the group you find yourself in; remember that you alone had a 1000 and you got extra nine 9000 because you joined the group.

Don’t forget that your greatness will come from serving a group, ‘he that wants to be great among you should be your servant’.

Don’t just join a group, pray about it and let the Lord lead you. This is important because you become the group you join, ‘iron sharpens iron’.

Thanks for reading.