I have seen more people pray and fast than ever in my life time. People do it for many reasons, but among them are those who want power to do the work of the Lord. People put all their hopes in prayer and pray a lot. But after many prayers the results is far less than we hope to achieve. And in a few days, what we have labored for is reduced. For instance, in the first day and second and third, you see a sizable anointing but as the days go by you have to return again.
These cycle have led power ministers into countless uncomfortable lives. If you want to keep the prophecy correct all the time and maintain the anointing, it means you would be eating less because you would be fasting and you would sleep less because you would be praying. I know the Lord doesn’t intend for us to live this way.
The secret to any inspiration for your gospel music is the Holy Spirit, the miracles in your ministry is by Him too. Ours is a spiritual ministry. But some people not wanting any trouble have reduced themselves to the word of God because they don’t want to get themselves into the cycle I have just talked about. Some people have turned their ministry to something else because, they could not keep their power.
The connection
He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.
We function with the anointing of God because we are one with His Spirit. That is why at church a minister who is very close to God demonstrates the power when he starts ministering. That person is one with the Lord. The oneness is in two parts, first we are one because the Holy Spirit is in us and secondly, we live to be one with the Holy Spirit. This implies that, when you are born again, you have to learn how to walk with the Spirit so that your thoughts and actions synchronize with His own and that is how miracles are birthed. You have to learn how to be guided with His voice, the bible says you would hear his voice ‘this is the path, walk in it’. Can you recognize it? Are you sensitive enough to differentiate that voice from the one evil spirits throw in your way?
To synchronize with the Lord’s Spirit we have to do so on all the levels of a human being. We have a spirit, which has a soul that lives in a body. Paul said in co that ‘may the Lord sanctify your spirit, soul and body’.
The order of oneness with the Lord should first start with our spirit because our life is worship unto him, ‘the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit’. So in our three in one members if we are to please God we have to do it from the spirit. Unbelievers do it vice versa; the body gives all the instructions then the soul communicates with the spirit and the sin is done. Be mindful that Galatians lists the sins of the flesh; fornication, . So we read that ‘in my flesh dwells not good thing’.
Now the soul also has its fruits which are found in Galatians 5 to be ; jealousy, gossip etc. once we are born again and we quit the sins of the body we often don’t care again, we are content. So we exhibit the sins of the soul. We understand the soul is made up will, emotions, and mind. When you disobey the will of God then you have sinned anyway. When you follow after the passions of your feelings to insult because you feel embarrassed by somebody, you are already there and then when you use your own plans to try to serve the Lord instead of asking Him what he wants you to do, you are also into sin.
Therefore in theory we are one with the Lord but in practice, we are far. The Holy Spirit can help us get closer with faith we can reach there. As you get much closer in alignment with the Spirit that is when you birth miracles, or else you still have to pray long prayers to ‘purchase’ the anointing. When you live in a river, you don’t get a bucket to fetch water and that is how it is for those who have learned to walk in the spirit.
Notice the fruit of the spirit is love, and so there is warring between the spirit and the flesh. God wants us to follow after the spirit. Once the Holy Ghost inhabits us, we as His temple must take instructions from the head of the temple and obey it.
The spirit has three parts, intuition, and communion and conscience (reference watchman nee). The intuition helps us to decipher information or receive data from the Lord; the communion helps us to communicate with the Lord, while the conscience serves as a guide. These parts of the spirit complement each other. Through ‘communion’ you download what the Lord wants you to hear via ‘intuition’ and as you decide to work with it and your conscience guides you. How well you do this shows how well you walk in the spirit.
When Naaman went to the prophet Elisha for healing, the prophet did not even come out to see the man but just instructed him to go and wash himself in the stream seven times. Naaman thought he was going to be prayed for but with that instruction the general received his healing. In the same way Paul through handkerchiefs healed lots of people. If we truly live in the spirit our troubles would be over.
Set the order right. Activate your spirit via prayer and fasting. Because that is how you get closer to him. As you pray, your spirit communes with God and you receive messages and guidance. And then you live by them. Supposing you receive an instruction in your spirit that you should pray at a certain time at dawn, you should make it a point to do so because when you do that you are walking in the spirit. However, when the time is due and you feel sleepy and you don’t pray, you are following the dictates of your soul and you sin. Now when you fall from spirit to soul without praying then you would fall to the lowest level which is the body. The organs sets in, if you liked food you start eating a lot to your detriment. If it is sex, the body would have you chasing people all over. My friend you can’t but live only by the spirit for the bible says ‘by flesh shall no man please the Lord’. If you live from the dictates of the soul and body, you are out. If you love your soul so much the bible says ‘he that saves his soul shall lose it but he that loses his soul shall find it’. It means that if you neglect the leadership of the soul and let your spirit take over, then you are saved all the members of your body but if you let the soul dictate for you, then all of you would fall in to hell.
Therefore I say to you, ‘walk in the spirit and you would not fulfill the desires of the flesh’; once you are in the spirit, just a simple obedience to the Holy Spirit then miracles starts to happen.
Thanks for reading.