"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
In this article am going to write about the various ways by which the Lord speaks to us, the right way of picking up his words and how to stop evil spirits from interfering.
There are many ways by which the Lord speaks to us. As a child of God he will speak to you. Everybody and how the Lord chooses to speak to them. However, there are standard ways by which the Lord speaks to you.
The first is a confirmation in your spirit;
As I pray every day my spiritual senses become quite sharp. My spirit picks up information; He uses ‘impressions’ inside my stomach to give me information. For instance, when am going to some place, inside me I have something fighting within me not to go. My mind may be telling me that, ‘hey, go and collect that money, you need it’; but something inside me says no! Am not surprised that when I go it is either I miss the person.
If you decide to follow confirmations within, you would realize that you have some kind of inner peace even though your mind would be screaming at you to do otherwise. You can develop this inner confirmation through lots of prayer.
Dreams and visions
I have a friend of mine who always tells me her dreams and they come to pass. Hence she doesn’t play with her dreams at all. Please am not talking about the kind of dream that you have after taking some heavy food and going to bed without prayers.
The Lord also talks to us when we read the bible. Here too am not talking about just picking some scriptures from the bible and following them. There are some that the Lord would give you a personal revelation as you meditate on them. Ideas pop up in your mind, it is so wonderful. This can also happen while listening to preaching at church.
The still small voice;
With this one, you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in your inside you. Some have also heard audible but the commonest is inside you which I experience most often and it is the most dangerous because an evil spirit can also whisper words to you that would cause you to err.
This is why some prophets not detecting that an evil spirit is talking to them have prophesied wrongly and embarrassed themselves. However, suffice to say that a prophet has the Lord talk to him in all of these ways. But if you are not a prophet the Lord uses either one or two to speak to you.
Our attitude towards the voice of the Lord
The Lord says the we should ‘test the spirits’. It is like buying something and you try to scrutinize it before you buy. He knows that evil spirits can speak to the believer. In Egypt when Moses went to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh, the magicians performed the wonders that Moses performed. When he turned his stick to snakes, they are also turned theirs to snakes. Evil spirits can give you dreams and visions, they can whisper a still small voice, they can give you impressions in your emotions and so on. They mimic the voice of God.
So we test the guidance of the spirit with the scriptures. You have to ask yourself whether the instruction is scriptural. If you maintain the attitude that it is the voice of the Spirit so you would not challenge it, your life could be ruined this way. I have seen it happen to somebody I love so much and it was very painful and dangerous. Evil spirits can deceive a people to that the point that they think that they are God! Please challenge it!
If it is a major decision pray several days about it till you have a clean confirmation in your spirit and you become certain it is the Lord who is speaking to you.
Another thing I have noticed is that evil spirits can give you good guidance and even scriptural ones but they have a bad motive (didn’t the devil quote scripture when he was with Jesus?). For instance, when you don’t have money, they can whisper, ‘give your money to this person because somebody would be bringing you money today’. You would be surprised that you would give your last money away and nobody would come and you would sleep with hunger that day! God doesn’t make mistakes.
Sin is what gives demons ground to the evil spirits to whisper into our ears. The periods that I have truly lived without blemish, I have been free from them. It means you have to be really holly if what you want the guidance you receive to be accurate. Usually it is a mixture of good and bad. However, you could be living holy and you would be getting wrong guidance. When the Lord sends you a message they send theirs too to confuse you. This happen when they formerly gained ground but you are uprooting them and they would not give up without a fight. There is no place for blowing hot and cold in the Lord, in Revelations the Lord says ‘I will spew you out of my mouth’.
What do you do when you start getting wrong guidance? You have to analyze your life and see where you have gone wrong. Pray and ask for forgiveness and repent. The next step is to pray and command them to live you alone. Jesus said the prince of this world comes ‘but has nothing in me’. When you have confessed your sins, they lose ground and then you now have the power to sack them!
Nevertheless, they hang around waiting for you to commit sin so that they take charge again. The little sin you commit gives them an opportunity to start their ministry. They believe in starting small!
It is a blessing to live in the Spirit and hear from Him. My advice to you is constantly seek to receive from the Lord through prayer. As you pray the Lord would give you flashes of ideas in your spirit. Use them to work and you would see the success in your life. Some of you are staying by a dry well and the Lord is speaking to you like Elijah, leave this well and go to that widow who would feed you’, but you don’t hear! Meanwhile you are crying and your breakthrough is so near!
Thanks for reading.