The Holy Spirit is what makes a person part of the body of Christ. The bible says ‘if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His’. Instead of one person, Jesus, maintaining the Holy Spirit alone He left so that everybody who would believe in Him would have access to the Holy Spirit. Hence, scripture says we have been made kings and priests and we have become so powerful that ‘the Ernest creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God’, our enemy is terrified that ‘He that is in me is bigger than he that is in the world’ and when they want to attack us ‘the Spirit of God shall life up a standard against him’.
He lives in us as the comforter, teacher, defender and you name it!
The believer should therefore have the proper attitude towards Him. Scripture says ‘we are the bride of Christ’ meaning, we are in marriage with Him. It presupposes that we are to submit to him while He helps us. We have to seek the interests of the Lord. What we are used to is that He helps us and we ask all the time. We act the weakling and seek His protection in all things and His provision. Yet He requires the same from us. Just like a married woman guards the interests of her Lord we are to do the same. He is God alright, but we cannot let Him do everything by Himself. We are not lazy brides; in our society, every man seeks to marry a woman who can contribute to the family. Believers who have discovered this truth have seen the effect of the Holy Spirit increase massively in their lives. When you are a preacher, a church member, musician and whatever your occupation, you are able to see Him impact your life.
One woman that I prefer to talk about is Kathryn Khulman. She was a preacher and she understood the Holy Spirit a lot. She sacrificed a lot for the Holy Spirit and in the latter part of her ministry, it is said that, she was so sensitive to the Holy Spirit that if somebody had any sin in his or her life in her meetings, she would immediately point out to the person and ask the person to make her heart right with God and people repented immediately. She knew the mind of the Holy Spirit. This made Him abundant in her ministry; there were lots of manifestations of healing and deliverance and breakthrough in her ministry.
Most preachers think that to have the anointing all you have to do is to pray. Yes you may pray, but if your heart is not right, your experience of Him in your ministry would be minimal. How close you are with Him determines how much He invests in your ministry. He can teach you in your business and make known to you the problem that you are facing. This can transform your business to something else.
Awareness of His Needs
We think He is God so He doesn’t need anything. But this is a wrong concept that we have of Him. This make’ us lazy and not seek His interests. He cannot do everything by Himself (can He publish a magazine by Himself or hold a crusade and preach before many crowds, unless God become man again); we are in a relationship and we have to be useful in the relationship. A relationship that is one side is not a good one. Think of this, if you are married and your partner does not do anything, how does that make you feel? In no time you would feel resentful!
We have to be aware of his needs and seek His interests. We have to show Him love!
First of all we have to be in shape for Him.
It makes him very glad, it makes Him happy. God can be annoyed when we sin willfully; if we walk with Him then we have to make sure we are like Him; is the only way by which he can be comfortable with us. The Holy Spirit hates sin, it makes Him shrink in our lives; but when we live a Holy life, it makes Him expand in our life. Holiness is in two parts; first Jesus died for us and have made us holy and qualified to be filled with His Spirit. Secondly, holiness is progressive; we have to ensure it by living clean.
We should get close to Him through our Spiritual exercises (prayer and fasting and the meditation of the Word).
Prayer for instance, is one of the means by which we receive instructions from Him and makes us know the mind of God towards. After every prayer, I receive fresh instructions as to how to live my life presently and in the future. Hence the more I pray, the more my life becomes as the Lord wants because as I listen and obey I get transformed.
What I have noticed about fasting is that it suppresses the dictates of my body and makes my spirit take charge. My spirit is exalted so that I become more aware of the spirit world. Prophets of old like Daniel and the others delighted in many days of fasting because it was during that period that their human spirit ascends to God and receive revelation. Whatever you are not seeing today, if you would fast, your eyes would be opened you would receive answers to your problems.
As you position yourself with the Lord, whatever He wants with you becomes natural with you. You just know it! You don’t need anybody to tell you anything! Of course there are general guidelines for us believers but the things that would really transform your life is person-specific. Our lack of knowledge about His likes and dislikes is what limits Him in us. Samson for instance, cut his hair and the Spirit was limited in his life. But when His hair grew again Samson was terrific. What is the hair that the Holy Spirit wants you to keep? Only you can know through your association with Him.
Can we defend God?
I say why not! He is God and can do anything He wants but you have to know that He needs us to function for Him in certain areas. When Jonah decided not to preach for God, look at the trouble the Lord had to go through to get Jonah to Nineveh! He needs us! As a matter of fact the bible says this is God’s priority, ‘he looks on the earth for those who can walk with’; Jesus whipped the people in the church who turned it to market place, Moses been annoyed for the Lord smashed the ten commands to the ground, Paul would argue with a lot of people for the Lord risking his life in the process. What can you do for Him?
Finally, we have to understand that He is ‘human’.
In the bible that ‘God is not a man’ and it is fact, but I use human here metaphorically. When you see words like ‘grieve’ and statements like ‘it repenteth God that He made man’ (showing regret) we know that He can be as disappointed us we get. We have to understand that we can’t live anyhow and expect Him to use us. He is not foolish. Some situations are critical to Him and he would not assign unstable people to it. In Numbers chapter 17, the Lord stood behind Moses and Aaron would have killed all the congregation of Israel but He Stopped because of Moses. Let us Impress Him it is the only way by which he would increase in our lives.
Thanks for reading