Sexual Sin; Consequences of Masturbation (part 1)
If you have prayed this prayer have faith, you
are free! Amen.
Can the Holy
Spirit live within a masturbating person?
I will say yes!
Before most people get born again they could be doing it. But now when they are
born-again and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and still need
One may argue
that the Holy Spirit does not live within sinning people. Please be aware that
He does not come to live in perfect vessels but imperfect vessels to make them
perfect. So yes he can and often live in people like that to convict and help
battle out those demons. M is similar to anger and other emotional sins and if
that were so, the Holy Spirit will not live in a sizable percentage of
Christians, the fact that he is there means that conviction of sin will haunt
the person practicing it and if the person practicing it does not stop he or
she will not experience his presence anymore. Even so, the Holy Spirit might
initiate steps to save the person from this sin.
Get born again and give your life to Christ.
The person must admit that it is sin. Scripture
says that ‘if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me’. This admission
will help the person to seek help or pray to God for mercy and deliverance; obviously
deliverance will come. Joel 2:32 makes it very clear that deliverance will come
to anyone who calls upon Jehovah for help.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit can help anyone
become free from the spirit of M. It is a demon or evil spirit; you notice
their presence when it has become compulsive so that the person cannot stop
again even though it is destroying the person’s life. When the person receives
the Holy Spirit baptism, conviction of sin and the strength to pray and fast
will help the person stand strong against this spirit. Remember that the bible
says it is not by power nor by might but by His Spirit (Zachariah 4:6). When a
person has lost control, it is because another being (an evil spirit) has taken
control and enslaved the person.
Deliverance; in the situation where it is very
compulsive and chronic I will advice the person to seek deliverance from a
trusted man of God who knows about deliverance. If the practice has been there
for long you don’t need a psychologist but a man of God to cast it out for you.
Be bold and tell the person and save your life, if you keep quiet about it you
will be destroyed and it might even land you in hell someday. At the end of
this article you find a prayer that you will pray and this prayer will
prequalify you for the Lord to deliver you if you have no body to help; please
pray it in faith and God will save you.
Counseling; please anyone with this issue should
learn how to pray in the spirit and be filled. For the law of the Spirit of
life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death (Romans
8:2). If you keep ‘burning’ in the Spirit those demons cannot stay in you or
come close to you, you will be on fire! Once you are in the spirit the flesh is
subdued and you cannot sin. He that is born of the spirit cannot sin. Why? When
he or she walks in the spirit!
However, if you eat a lot and will not fast and live
in prayerlessness even if you were delivered the evil spirit will come back
with supporting evil spirits (the bible says seven extra demons more powerful
than the one that was cast out) and your end shall be worse than when you were
delivered. Take note that even when you are delivered they will be lurking in
the dark waiting for you to slump in the Spirit so that they can enter. After
the temptation of Jesus the bible says that the devil left Jesus only for a
brief period. When you are delivered you have to stay on fire because they will
always be waiting for the day when you get careless then, they will enter. Stay
fired up every day.
I recommend exercise for anyone who has his
libido. Exercise will drain the libido because it will spend that energy.
A prayer of deliverance
This prayer will qualify you for
the Lord to deliver you; remember you are praying this prayer in the comfort of
your home and any evil spirit disturbing you will live you in Jesus name! First
of all you will give you life to Christ, confess any know sin, confess any
dealings with the occult and forgive any person you have grudge with and
finally you call on Jehovah to deliver and help will come speedily!
Say with me
Heavenly Father, I am a sinner.
Please forgive me and use the blood of Jesus to clean me and make me whole.
Come into my heart and make me yours forever. From now onwards, I am your
child, I am born again and I am not a sinner any more.
Lord I confess any known sin and
unknown sin. I confess that Masturbation is sin and I ask for forgiveness. Lord
I don’t want it any more. Lord save me.
Lord I forgive anybody who has
wronged me today in the name of Jesus.
I broke every curse in my life
today in the name of Jesus. The word of God says Christ has redeemed me from
every curse (Gal 3:13) therefore I declare myself free today in the might name
of Jesus!
You evil spirit of masturbation
in my life, I don’t belong to you anymore, I belong to Jesus. 1 Cor 6:19-20
says that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit therefore you can’t live
within me anymore. I command you to come out of me in the name of Jesus.
Dear Holy Spirit set me free from
every demon in Jesus name! I thank you heavenly father that I am free, Amen!