How to walk on water; Succeed in your Christian life (Matthew 14:28)

 "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to ...

Believers are the audition of God; we represent God on earth. Therefore God expects as to enter the miraculous because that is what Jesus came to establish. The bible says that ‘the least in the kingdom of God shall be greater than John the Baptist’. John the Baptist was one of the greatest prophets in Old Testament times yet prophets of old; their anointing cannot be compared to ours.

Am going to use the story of the walking on water as a case study to show why and how we believers can walk on water, thus do the miraculous like Jesus did. Peter Saw Jesus walks on water and he requested that he meets Jesus. Am sure due to the things that Jesus had been teaching the disciples about who they are in Christ Peter wanted to prove it, hence he decided  to walk on water like Jesus and he almost sank after a few meters of walking on water. Have your thought of it? Peter actually walked on water like Jesus did! However at some point in his adventure he went back to some doubtful thoughts and it almost sank him. We are going to learn a lot from this story.

The first lesson here is that Jesus is a miracle God and we are like Him. We have to know that Jesus is God and He does miracles and we are also supposed to do the same. He said, ‘greater things than these shall ye do because I go to my father’. Jesus has relegated the job to us because He is in heaven. He has wired us for the life of walking on the water; a life of doing the unusual things. The bible says, ‘ye are gods’. We are a special breed of people, more than all children of God who ever lived on earth! The bible says that, ‘for as many as believe in him, to them he makes the sons of God’. Every believer is a ‘son of God’ like Jesus.  This implies that we have the same powerful ministry; ‘for the earnest creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God’! 

In this New Year, believers who have caught this revelation are going to do mighty deeds; because we are well able and more than able to do it. The things that the Lord has asked me to do this year are only big things! Because the Lord knows that we are big, we are powerful and nothing can stand in our way He gives us big assignments!

The second lesson is that we have to make it our prerogative to walk on water. The Spirit of God will ask you to do only big things. We have a worldwide ministry for He said, ‘go into the entire world’. We are international people and these assignments are big and require us to walk on water. If you want to function from your natural abilities then you are out of the equation. You have to face every task and challenge from your divine status as a child of God. The tools that the Lord has given us should be used. We have the Holy Spirit in us, and let’s not do a single thing without involving him.

You have to walk on water because it is the rise to your destiny. Every believer has no choice! The days on bowing down our heads is over, we have to lift our heads and show our chests because we conquerors!

The third lesson we have to know is that water has the ability to sink people and so we have to walk in faith of the word of God. Scripture says, ‘the just shall live by his faith’. This is the purpose of faith, to check the sinking problem. Faith is the bridge with which we walk on water. Faith is the force that keeps us on the water and prevents us from sinking.

We get faith by hearing the word of God. If you are going to do mighty works then it is time for you to believe. You have to delve into the word of God till he gives you the revelation of who you are in Christ. When that revelation becomes revealed in your spirit, nothing can stop you again because you will function from a different level!

Read your bible and let the Spirit of God give you the revelation. Attend conferences and learn more about God. Moreover scripture says Daniel, ‘but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits’ (11:32).  Once you walk with the Lord and you chalk more victorious experiences you faith will rise. You will begin to believe more. When David was asked whether he could fight Goliath what he gave for his audition was the fact that he had killed the lion and the bear. Cement your faith with victories.

The final lesson here is that as a believer you are going to face a test of faith. Peter was tested and he almost sank except the Lord helped him. When you get born again, spiritually everything changes for a divine life. Yet your outer life is still the same. You may be living in certain conditions that do not reflect your present spiritual status. It is at this point that you have to be strong in faith and believe that what God has said concerning you is the truth. The bible says, ‘let all men be liars and God be truth’. Let’s say that you are broke, yet the bible says that ‘He became poor that you through his poverty will become rich’. Now this means that you are rich but at the moment your riches are not showing. You have to think and believe that you are rich. Don’t confess poverty but confess that you are rich and also believe for finances to live as a rich person. As you do this the miracles will start happening and you will begin to walk on water. 

Believing in God might not yield the miracles immediately but the bible says in Galatians that ‘the fruit of the spirit is longsuffering’ (5:22). Meaning the Holy Spirit is going to provide patience in you till you see the fruit of your faith materialize. No matter what situation you are in, financial hardship or any sin, believe that you are out of it and think as one; talk in line with it and the miracle will start to happen.  

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