Galatians 5:19, 21
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Envyings…...that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Envy is sin which can get you into trouble. When you are jealous it means you have fallen prey to one of these cankers
Ø You look into people’s lives and see their lives as better than yours
Ø You wish you had what that person has
Ø You feel terrible about your own situation and you don’t like who you are
Ø You feel hurt and are disappointed about yourself
You look into people’s lives and see their lives as better than yours
The truth is that it might be true or false. Either way you don’t know the price that the person has paid to reach his or her current position. Sometimes it might be that the person’s parents paid the price.
I believe everybody has a star they came with and it is good, Jer 33:3 will tell you that God forms us he has a star or destiny first for us.
Whatever it is, don’t envy anybody because we came with nothing and we shall also live with nothing. You see somebody rise up quickly and die quickly! Maybe you have nothing but you will live long and see your grandchildren! Even the ants, trees, rocks have roles on earth that cannot be substituted for anything.
Your life too is important. You have an advantage maybe you haven’t seen it; Lazarus didn’t know it till he got to heaven and saw the rich man in hell.
You wish you had what that person has
Yes but you can’t have it like that. I have realized that life is in packages; everything is not in one package. Looking closely at certain people you might think they have it all but it is not true! For instance, you see somebody who is short and very intelligent or somebody comes from a home of riches but they lack something terrible that their money cannot buy. It is just wrong to envy.
You feel terrible about your own situation and you don’t like who you are
It is good to feel terrible about your situation but it is wrong to hate who you are. When you feel bad about your situation it can motivate you to work your way out of it. You are special and wonderfully made. No amount of money can create a human being like you. Please don’t hate yourself. You can turn your life around and the hurt will live!
You feel hurt and are disappointed on yourself
It is good to be hurt at least it can generate some response from you so that you deal with the situation. Pain goes along with life no matter how powerful we maybe, an example is labor pains of women.
When you are disappointed in yourself, please forgive yourself. Because this situation can make you punish yourself. You need to set yourself for the road of recovery.
Perhaps you think God has been unfair to you.
It is not wise to blame the wise God. I remember how I used to blame God about my smallness until I grew up and attended tertiary when I was almost 30. If I had looked my real age, I wouldn’t have joined those 20yr olds in class. I had a set back and I started afresh but my looks helped me to start afresh, I look forever young and it has given time to make up for the lost years. One day I got ashamed and thanked God for it and never blamed Him again.
Life comes in packages, if I would come to this earth another time but go through what I went through then I will still ask God to make me a small person once more.
Don’t envy anybody, pray against it because it seen against you, your parents and God. It is totally unnecessary.
What happens when you are envious?
1. you never discover what you have to use it because you are looking somewhere else;
2. your become ungrateful to God because you don’t thank originally from your heart;
3. some people are known to have destroyed the gifts that they came with, they throw it away;
4. God will never reveal himself to an envious person because she didn’t appreciate what He gave her the first time;
5. envy will make demons enter a person’s life and destroy it because demons of envy exist;
6. Envious people can be thieves because they try to get it at all cost!
Stay blessed!