Daily Devotional 109


Your life mirrors the content of your heart

David had a good heart, a fine mind to go
and bring back the ark of God. This is powerful!

How many times have we not complained that what is going on in our lives is not our fault. My parents were poor, my father died, I failed my exams etc etc. In a nut shell we are saying we won't take responsibility.

But do you have a heart that gravitates towards good things? All your years on earth you couldn't live a life to correct these mistakes,  Lets see.

With deaf ears you didn't listen to your parents and followed that guy because you said you have Fallen in love and the result is you got pregnant and had to spend your life time correcting this mistake, it affected your educational level, job and finances.

You love to rule people and if they won't comply you harass them till they leave your church, so your church has few people, the offerings are few too and you are about to suffer burn out despite the great people God sent your way.

You are known for cheating your workers therefore you don't get good people to work with. Your business isn't doing well because of workers with poor skills who cheat you.

The least chance you get you make a fool out of people. The other day you put your friend on loudspeaker without informing him and assassinated his character, even up till now, that person doesn't know what you did to him but the people who watched you do that secretly fear you, they don't trust you enough to bring you close to important issues. That is why you are never involved in good things, you are so insincere!

You parade yourself as a man of God but you are a heart breaker, in one year you have jilted three ladies who paid for their shallow thinking by following you because of your gift and not for your character.

Look, lets call a spade a spade. The things that we don't like in our lives shouldn't be blamed on someone but our bad choices which is a product of our bad hearts!

Our lives indeed is an explanation or a revelation of the state of our minds.
Now you will say that how does this relate to the glory of God?

It may interest you to know that God will not entrust you with any substantial blessing if you are not reliable, if he can't count on you. PRAYER AND FASTING ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH TO MOVE GOD, YOU CAN'T USE THEM TO TWIST THE HAND OF GOD, DO YOU THINK GOD GIVES GIFTS WITHOUT LOOKING?

And so the heartbreaker will always have a small church, the disrespectful lady may struggle to get married but even if she marries divorce is standing by the door when the romance ends!

If we want to bring back the anointing lets keep a righteous heart! Yes, it is righteousness that exalts a nation!

May you keep a heart that makes God trust you to give you want you are praying for.
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