Moments Of Inspiration 0002

1. No matter how great a thing is, it will not last long if you don't keep it well.

Rephrase: if you don't keep it will it will spoil.
So people with very expensive quality phones makes the phone spoil easily as if it were a china.
Keep your relationships well, treat that person well because people can get ruined. He wasn't like that when you met him but your actions changed him and now he has become troublesome to you.

2. You can't force it to appear when it is not there.

Rephrase; if the thing doesn't exist, you can't force it to appear.
Let's face it, some people are pushy and feel they can bully people to give it by force. It is there you might get it but if the person doesn't have he can't do anything about it.
This principle applies to a gifting; when the person doesn't have it in him to sing.

3. Certain things keep recurring in your life because of who you are.

Rephrase: if you were a different person (whole body or character?) things might have been better for you.
Am quiet person and wouldn't fight publicly and so when I had packed my bike the thieves in the house stole mind and didn't steal the other person's (Bugabuga guy) bike. It means that people observe people.
If people are rude to you most times then it means they have looked and seen that there is no teeth on your mouth.
Similarly, if your math is terrible you may always be tilted towards courses that doesn't include math and jobs doesn't include calculations.

4. Useless to worry too much.

Rephrase; you too enjoy life.

God might hear your prayer and make you rich or he might not. There is no by force with God.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy. So if you die without having it, SO WHAT?
However long we shall all die one way or the other.

4. Better not be too attached to things.

Rephrase; when it is time for you move on, please do.
Things have a way of changing when you least expect and are ready. People who can move easily preferably fair better in life, at least they are cool at themselves.

5. Everything you will ever have will cost you.

Rephrase; nothing is free.
For those of you who like free things you are not happy about this. But it is true nothing comes without a price. Even anointing that we say is free is not, men of God 'buy' it with serious activities.
If you think that you will have a family ( children ) early it might cost you in riches because family life is like building a skyscraper, you invest so much into the foundation.
Similarly, those who forego fily life may not know that enjoyment that goes with it.

6. People might cheat you if they could.

Rephrase; if a person can have a go with you and go scot free they won't hesitate at all.
It is true, whether the person is a christian or not. Some people are maintain good character with you because in a mild way it is by force. Bit once they have another opportunity that gives them chance to escape, they will be gone before you say Jack.

7. People can't love you or even God beyond their love for themselves.

Rephrase; people treat others like the way they handle themselves.
If the person is lazy and doesn't value work don't think that when you give him work to do he will value it,
I learnt this at a very great price, if the person is without vision don't let him come near you even if he comes fr heaven, he will destroy what you have toiled for in seconds.

8. Thank your stars when someone finds you special.

Rephrase; you might not be as special as you think.
When you are treated at home with so much love you might think we haven't had your type before.
Whoever you are somebody is more handsome, intelligent and comes at a lower cost.
Repay people who love you with respect because it might take a longer time before someone like that comes your way.
Oh, before I forget, if you have too many people around you telling you they love you, beware, you might be dealing with a majority of hypocrites.

9. Someone is jealous of you.

Rephrase; somebody will do anything to have what you posses.
Yes, grin my friend. This is true, when I thought I don't have much there comes this guy with everything looking for my own. David had how many wives? And did he not collect his soldiers only wife?

10. God will use to shape others.

Rephrase; God uses us to create dissatisfaction in others.
This true too. God has equally powerful Canes that delivers more results and this is one of them.
Some guys see themselves as larger than life, but soon God picks a 'foolish thing' to do bigger and better things. They are hurt, why should it not be them on top. They will badmouth the person and so on. Finally they have to push ahead again because a better level has come.

Sorry for any typing mistakes.

Your level has changed!

Lessons from my bones, your comments are welcomed.