Preacher makes members eat grass; a lesson to us all

Psychologists say crowds often have one thought. If you have a different idea at that time, yours synchronizes with theirs and you become one. That is why people will do different things but when they are in a crowd they follow suit. We have to be careful with our associations; crowd mentality is more like a spiritual thing. You become who you join. Am sure some of those who chewed the grass will go home and question themselves why they did that. When you are with the crowd you lose your identity and become one. You become the company you keep!

Preachers better be careful, God entrusts the people to us. Manipulating them with the word of God will go against us someday. There is no human being without a defender. Those who we think have no defense have God as their defense. That why Jesus said 'what you do for these little ones you do for me’. Sometimes the human element in preaching becomes too much. Let’s set aside our ambitions and preach the word of God. The true word of God cannot be disputed. When your word is being challenged, my dear preacher, please look once more on the ground on which you stand. Separate your word from God's word and let the people know the difference and let them make their own choice, Apostle Paul was good at this.

If the rapture does not come, death will come and so judgment day is at the corner. Let’s all pray and ask God to keep us from any selfishness and disobedience.

To our followers, I say open your eyes ( Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out 1 John 4:1). When your pastor preaches, question it; look at the bible again to see if he is saying the right thing. Some preachers may tell you not to talk about them but don't allow it, because when they are going wrong you are the ones who will rise up and save them by drawing peoples' attention via your criticism; and save them through your prayers. Preachers are human, be helpful to them. When Aaron and Miriam criticized Moses they were punished because of their motive; they wanted to challenge Moses. God was after their wrong motive not the act. So be bold and nothing bad will happen to you. The bible says God looks in the heart (because he wants to find out the motive for you actions) but man will just from the outward appearance (you act). Lets save the men of God from themselves.

May this sad event be a lesson to us all. Amen!!