The 2 in 1 Formula for Greatness

Most of us want to be great and we employ several tactics to achieve this end. Yet it seems our attitude tend to drive greatness away from us. I hear most people say, ‘you want me to help you but what have you done for me?’  This implies that before I respond to you say attend your birthday, you should already have attended mine. This attitude is seen mostly in those who seem to be in privileged positions. This is wrong.

The Formula 1

           Jesus called them and said to them, "You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in high positions use their authority over them.
But it is not this way among you. Instead whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant. Mark 10:43

In the scripture above, Jesus say this is the formula of the world. When they have a small position, they drive it at the throat of people because they have the resources. They want everybody to bow to them! But you can see the general dislike for such people by the community since they are rated as pompous. The public may bow to them but they don’t have respect or love for them.  In Christ this is not how we do it.

The word servant when translated literally means a waiter, to run errands, to be a minister. Jesus went on to demonstrate it by washing his disciples’ feet. Now the formula is this, if you want to be great as a Christian, you have to run errands for people to really serve them. If you give money to help people you are running errands for them because you might have done some errands to acquire that money. Any form of service that requires you to stay up at night to deliver a job in the morning is an errand. That is how we achieve our greatness.

The Formula 2

In application it means you have to run errands for many people. It is always tied to the people because the people is the objective. Quoting my favorite Proverbs ‘A king's glory is the abundance of people, but the lack of subjects is the ruin of a ruler (14:28).

Now you need a congregation to support whatever you are doing. The 'glory' in the literal translation here means beauty; It implies that your beauty or success comes because you serve many people. The ruin of a king the bible says is the lack of subjects or people to patronize your products or activities. When you serve people even when you think is for free, what you get in return is amazing. I am stuck with this formula forever! Oh what people can give you! If God says He will give you a car or house or money or happiness, it is always through people. Happiness for instance, God can give you a very good husband who will make you happy for life, he will never disturb you but give you the affection that you always need.

How it works 

Come to think of it, it really makes sense. People naturally gravitate towards persons who have something to offer; a problem to solve for them. And if you do that you will have many people rush towards you. Then they also start giving back to you in many forms because you need what they have! Think about all the projects you have, it is with those people. Even a ‘common’ person can introduce you to somebody that will revolutionize your life! That is the hidden gem in this formula. When am serving, am watching what is going to happen. Then when God presents the returns I take the opportunity quickly.  I have projects to do!

My friend, you need the backing of many people if you are going to see your destiny come true. You need money and manpower and all forms of support from them. The link is clear, if you don’t join your gift or product to a majority of people, that greatness you are looking for will elude you!

The Desire for Greatness is Not Sin!

Right now start calculating, ‘how can I help this person’s’. I even go ahead to consider how I can be a blessing to a whole congregation! It means my greatness will be quick! To seek greatness is not sin or Jesus wouldn’t have preached about how to get it. On the contrary our lives should bring glory to God. When we a big men and women God is glorified! People see you and say, ‘look at him, I know his beginning, God can be so wonderful!’. There is something about greatness; all the respect and resources are there to help you accomplish your mission on earth!

How many gifts do you have? What can you offer? If where you are there is no room for you to operate live and find a place where you will have your services patronized.

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You are blessed!