ON SUNDAY I taught on the parable of the talents, Matthew 25:14-32 and Eccl 12:13-14
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
FOR GOD SHALL BRING EVERY WORK INTO JUDGMENT with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
-Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
There are many things in this story but I highlighted on the end of life and accountability to G-d.
We have been given many talents representing all the things that the Lord has blessed us with.
Am blessed with a family and there are kids I have to raise well to achieve their destiny. I have a ministry which has a mandate to bring liberty to the christians and the world. My life itself is not my own, I shall account for everything I received.
WE ARE ALL STEWARDS OR CARETAKERS IN THIS LIFE. You shall answer to the most high when you time here ends.
With the current message on prosperity and others, speaking on the end time doesn't have much appeal to people. However, we have to know that it is where we will spend eternity that should be our focus. 100yrs on earth compared to billions of years in eternity which one is more important?
Having finished my series on the FEAR OF GOD, I have started teaching on STEWARDSHIP.
I pray the Master gives us revelation on this so that we succeed on earth and enjoy a wonderful time when we leave here.
Stay blessed.
Your Level Has Changed!
Claus Otoo, New Wine Church.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
FOR GOD SHALL BRING EVERY WORK INTO JUDGMENT with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
-Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
There are many things in this story but I highlighted on the end of life and accountability to G-d.
We have been given many talents representing all the things that the Lord has blessed us with.
Am blessed with a family and there are kids I have to raise well to achieve their destiny. I have a ministry which has a mandate to bring liberty to the christians and the world. My life itself is not my own, I shall account for everything I received.
WE ARE ALL STEWARDS OR CARETAKERS IN THIS LIFE. You shall answer to the most high when you time here ends.
With the current message on prosperity and others, speaking on the end time doesn't have much appeal to people. However, we have to know that it is where we will spend eternity that should be our focus. 100yrs on earth compared to billions of years in eternity which one is more important?
Having finished my series on the FEAR OF GOD, I have started teaching on STEWARDSHIP.
I pray the Master gives us revelation on this so that we succeed on earth and enjoy a wonderful time when we leave here.
Stay blessed.
Your Level Has Changed!
Claus Otoo, New Wine Church.