
AT OUR ALL-NIGHT YESTERDAY, the recurring theme was that we should confront difficult situations in the coming year.

The scripture reference the Holy Spirit gave us was NUMBERS 13:32-33.

When G-d gives you your Canaan there will the the giants  on it and you would have to defeat them to enjoy it.

You may have great programs, ideas and potentials but you would encounter financial challenges, difficult people, demonic attacks and so on.

To defeat every giant or Anak in our way;

1. We shouldn't give evil reports. Evil reports are excuses, complaints, that make us postpone or abandon our projects.
We must use what we have, we should do what we can and trust G-d to add his own.

2. We should deal with inferiority complex. Many times we feel inadequate because of many reasons but we have to understand that because of the great provider we have all things. Whether we feel up to the task or not we should still do those programs.

3. We shouldn't bother about how the enemy sees us. The bible says God has made our faces as hard as flint stone. People will threaten and look down upon you. They will show you their accomplishments and what they have but that shouldn't deter you.

In 2017, confront your challenges, do the big things you plan in doing, don't wait for perfect conditions, enough money and so on.
Be doers of the word. We have prayed enough, it's action time.
Be bold and do what the Lord has asked you to do.

There were many prophecies. As you know in my ministry we believe in the prophetic. I can point to the many prophecies that have happened this year.

I end by saying that nobody can judge God. We shouldn't be complaining but give thanks. We shouldn't walk in self pity. No matter how long it takes your prophesy will happen.
Thanks to all my friends who were able to make it.

Stay blessed.

Your Level Has Changed!

Claus Otoo, New Wine Church