Maybe am teaching the first principles, nevertheless, it is important because it is the word of G-d.
I taught on the fear of G-d. I used several illustrations to explain to them that the fear am talking about is not the horror or fear or fright we have for darkness and snakes or even death.
The fear am talking about is REVERENCE, RESPECT and ADORATION.
The fear of G-d is the beginning of wisdom. Job 28:28
People who respect G-d. walk in His wisdom. It is natural for such people to make great decisions, why? Because they listen to His advise. G-d knows the beginning and the end of things that is why He us never wrong. You can't follow the saviour and miss your step. Some of the dumb decisions we have made in life is because we never listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
On the flip side, the lack of fear of the Lord is foolishness. You have no adoration for G-d and so you don't listen to His advice. You are against everything that is godly.
The result for ungodly people is crisis unlimited.
Truth is one and apart from the Lord's direction every other decision is bogus.
Jesus is the only way.
We can't delete the fear of G-d out of our bible. You must keep the fear of G-d in your heart.
Am expanding this theme to another level next week G-d willing.
Stay blessed
Your Level Has Changed!
Claus Otoo, New Wine Church .