A HIGHER FORM OF PRAYER is when you pray and wait for God to talk to you. When I was a beginning christian, I used to just pray without receiving any message from God. Prayer was just dry for me.
But when I pray now am very poised to hear something from God. So in 1994 while praying in the spirit on a park at lapaz I started hearing things. It was like my ears were opened and I was understanding my own tongues. Wow. The first day I had this experience it was God talking to me but these days when I pray deep I understand what is coming out of my mouth.
Then when am focused in prayer I start having impression in my spirit that makes meaning to me. When I was young and used to sleep on the ground on a mat I knew the ants sting though place was dark. When I pray I have many messages about me and people through these spiritual impressions.
Then I can also start seeing visions. Sometimes they are very sharp like a video or very faint or a seconds thing. This why I have been able to prophesy to people.
When we learn the art of praying we will start enjoying it. Prayer is a spiritual affair. Maybe you don't have experiences like these because you pray and focus on bro. Kames' money he owes you or your mind is roaming and thinking about other things. Grow in prayer grow spiritually.

Your Level Has Changed!
Claus Otoo, New Wine Church