Title: Where Are You Running To?

I spoke to the youth recently and it is something am not used to, I have been talking to adults plenty times.

I picked this scripture
And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

-Habakkuk 2:2

My introduction was that we have not taken time to ask God what He wants us to do, suddenly we are running with vision of our own.
Imagine a visitor tells you he is hungry and you rush to buy them anything without asking what the visitor wants.

You have to ask God what he requires of you first before you start running. The youth just pick any vocation, even those in ministry are working with their ways and means and people are solving problems without the counsel of the Lord.

Mediocre ways produce mediocre results. There are many failure students because they did a wrong course. One who is equipped for general arts is doing science! The teacher is prophesying! No wonder church members are getting into trouble everyday!

I said to the youth, a lot of you are envious and jealous and feel like nobodies because you have not found your rightful place in life. If you can find the course, vocation, ministry or business God meant for you before you were born ( Jer 1:5), in a few years time the world would be celebrating you!

Through proper prayer and counselling you can find what God wants you to do .

Title: Where Are You Running To?

To be cont.
