The anointing goes beyond falling under the power. When someone falls under the power it has many significance for instance, it can confirm that the Holy Spirit backs what is going on, it also means he is in action, it is a sign for most people that God is here, etc.
The anointing ( God's supernatural empowerment) will help you overcome your weakness. I used to be shy and even up till today when am called to speak I have a little tension. However, when I stand in front of people something comes over me so that the weakness leaves me. It's same with laziness, fear, anxiety and many others. Think of those who never use their gifts, they need the anointing.
The anointing helps me understand my bible. Previously I used to use my mind to form principles as if the bible were some philosophy, the bible was dead to me. But now it is alive! When I read it the messages look so real and applicable to me and am being blessed everyday. Frankly, I wish I could carry my bible everywhere I go. Never would I live a day without reading God's word.
The anointing strengthens me to pray. I pray long hours and 2hrs can look like 15 minutes and I enjoy it. If you struggle with prayer then you need to up the anointing of God in your life.
The anointing is not for only preachers, if you want to come out of your weaknesses and enjoy all that the Lord has for you please seek the anointing.
But YE SHALL RECEIVE POWER, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
-Acts 1:8
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- Claus