testimony 1

These days some believers don't say their testimonies and this has made our God look small in the eyes of people. But I say mine when it happens in my ministry.
Hear this....
A lady met me and said , 'papa, my brother's business has collapsed. He had his business documents and its stolen and he is not able to take contracts and execute them, he retented trucks, the drivers drove them away and used the tracks and damaged them, etc'

I smelled witchcraft and that made me happy. My strange gift is that if it is witchcraft the problem will cease with a short prayer. What a strange gift!

I prayed with her brother on phone and  gave him a prophesy that God said his documents will be returned to for a sign that if he walked with him God he will turn his situation around. The following day his sister called and told me that the documents has been returned.

Wow! God is fast! God is Alive! I have seen God do things but He always surprises me.

Behold ye among the nations, and look, and wonder marvellously; for I am working a work in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you.

-Habakkuk 1:5

God is ahead of me and I cant put Him in a box, He doesn't want to be understood. Plenty testimonies and some make me sad, some put goose flesh on me, some made me laugh.
God you are good indeed.