Sunday Message

Using the Book of Nehemiah I spoke on Sanballat and Tobia this Sunday 15/01/2017.

But it came to pass that, when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.
-Nehemiah 4:1

These two government officials opposed Nehemiah in every way possible.  They were angry, indignant and mocking of God's people.

When you are on the verge of building your broken walls some people will fight you. They will be angry that you are trying make advancement in your life. They will say bad things to you and make you feel you are nothing. Yes these are the Sanballats and Tobias'.

You have to understand opposition is in every level of life; marriage, business, ministry, and so on.
Don't look at the haters! Look upon Jesus for your vindication. Be wise with certain people you call your friends who call you 'bosu' and yet secretly seek your downfall. Today you are buying food and clothing for them but they hate you. These haters are in the church, some are pastor friends or even family friends you have known for years. Some people act like there are no jealous people, betrayers, backbiters, etc. Who betrayed Jesus? Who killed Abel? Who gave Samson away? Which King plan to cut off Elisha's head? Which brothers sold Joseph into slavery?
You see history is littered with these examples. If we refuse to learn these repeat themselves.

Be wise and discerning because your future depends on it.

Claus Otoo, New Wine Church