Free from lust

Recently I went to town and the way an elderly woman looked at me eh, I knew this was lust oo. I used to think its only for men. My friend was telling me that he realised his pastor was looking at the women in the church too much! As an adult he could decipher what was going on. He said it wasn't long when his pastor had a problem with his wife and he didn't seek for any solution but divorced her quickly and remarried a much beautiful woman!

Formerly when you saw the opposite sex you didn't pay much attention to them. They could visit you and it didn't spark any emotion from. You felt you are a rock.
But now when you see young girls you start appreciating their beauty. It's not wrong to appreciate beauty but once you start looking at too many women, and girls plenty; suddenly you are really seeing them then you have the spirit of lust!
Lust is an evil spirit that can lead you to hell.

First the devil gives you an excuse why it is happening to you. He tells you the ladies have become more beautiful, they know how to dress properly, that one there is your taste, it is normal for you to be liking many ladies, your wife is too old and you have eaten the same meal for too long. Hahaha

Please don't believe those lies. Cast it out! Rebuke it! Yes satan has nothing good for you except to ruin your life like David. He first lusted then committed adultery, then murdered and finally brought a curse on his family which resulted in incest, rape and more death in his family ( he was almost overthrown by Absalom his son). It started with lust.

Learn to identify evil spirits and cast them out because when they are out of your life you can be free to grow spiritually.

Stay blessed.

Your Level Has Changed!
Claus Otoo,New Wine Church