Some trust
in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the
name of the Lord our God.
Psalm 20:7 (NIV).
In the
coming year, you have to aim to achieve big things with your life. Everybody
has a Goliath to conquer but do you believe that you can do it or you are not
sure? Our task involves money, people, ideas and so on. We have to think big,
talk big and act big! We have to believe that we are capable.
is somebody you can trust and that is the Holy Spirit. He pumps you with faith
and works on your mind as to how to go about your assignments. When you are
weak He encourages you to pray and brings the right people your way. If you are
going to achieve anything in the coming year, you have no choice but to depend
on Him! I know I can’t depend on myself because without Him I am full of doubts
and laziness.
We also have to depend on the word of God. You can get
inspiration from the bible but this happens when the Holy Spirit opens your
eyes. Going to church and hearing an inspiring preaching will motivate you. Try
as much as possible to attend church progarmmes, it shouldn’t be from only your
church. A good book can also help you get inspired.
Join a group of self-motivated people. Psychologists believe
that people become one in a crowd but when they are individual they are
different. I have witnessed this and it works; joining motivated groups keeps
me hot and going but when I am alone my motivation is not the same.
I must caution you that you don’t have to put all your
trust in people. When you least expect it, they would disappoint you. It’s better
to let your focus be on God. When I was young, I had a friend who used to help
me. I trusted in him and he let me down and I quit the work of God. What a
terrible behavior! I have learned my lesson since. People find it hard to
forgive, it is better you depend on God more.
Use your mind. The point of transformation for every human
being is your mind. We are often made to believe that if you walk with God you
have to depend on the Spirit of God at exclusively. Use your mind. Renewal and
transformation starts with your mind. A pastor said on Sunday, ‘when God speaks
to you, immediately start making calculations in your mind’.
Build a powerful mind by learning. This way when you
attempt to do something you would be competent enough to execute it.
Thanks for reading.